Confessing going wrong

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~*A Couple Weeks Later*~

"Hey Hailey!!" I yelled "WHAT" yelled Hailey "IM GONNA HANG OUT WITH SOME FRIENDS FOR TODAY" "OK". I went to go hang out with my friends for a day and we were gonna go to all kinds of places and have a lot of fun, and Hailey was just gonna stay here with her friend Carlos I wonder how that's gonna go cause Jessie was gonna ask her to be his girlfriend today but she doesn't know. "OK BYE HAILEY CYA TONIGHT" I yelled "ALRIGHT BYE" she yelled back and Jessie has the keys to the house so he can surprise her and confess how he feels.

~*Hailey's POV*~

I recently got a text from Carlos saying that he might not be able to play today and I got kind of sad cause I couldn't wait to play with him. It was also weird cause I had a feeling that he might of lived in California but I knew he didn't cause he didn't really have the money to and I felt bad because we used to hang out all the time before I even became famous as well. Oh would you look at that he texted me again

Carlos🥰: hey can I ask a weird question?

Me: yeah sure hit me

Carlos🥰: where do you live in Cal?

Me: oh it's uhh 28 magnet av (made it up Idk)

Carlos🥰:ok brb


A couple minutes later I heard a knock on my door, and I went downstairs to see who it was obviously....IT WAS CARLOS YAYYYYY. I was so happy I opened the door for him and jumped on him and hugged him tightly "OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOUR HERE" I yelled in tears but happy tears "well I earned a lot of money and was able to pay for a house here and I moved in a week ago but I wanted to put all my stuff in the house and come over to surprise you" he told me "and actually I live right down the road so I won't be far at all" he said as he did his adorable smile I was so happy that I couldn't handle his cuteness and I gave him a kiss on his cheek I can tell he was blushing but he tried to hide it. "Cmon let's go play on the Xbox upstairs my cousin isn't here" I smiled

~*Carlos' POV*~

I haven't seen Hailey in awhile and I was so happy to see her as much as she was happy to see me. I have to say that  I love Hailey but im not sure how she feels about me because she's famous and why would she love someone who isn't anyways I'll just try and tell her today.

~*both of their POV*~

"So what do you wanna play?" I asked Carlos "show me how to play resident evil plus I wanna see how scared you would get" he laughed "heyyy meanie" and yes I smacked him "owww you may have gotten older but you haven't matured since 6th grade" he said rubbing his arm in pain. Awhile later me showing him how to play resident evil I was gonna tell him how I felt "hey can I tell you something?" We both said at the same time we both did a soft chuckle and we somewhat argued of who would go first and while this Jessie came in the house without either of us knowing he came he came up to the door and just leaned on the door cause I guess he realized that someone was here. At this point Carlos gave up and said he would go first "Hailey we have known each other since 6th grade and I wanted to know since we know a lot about each other and I was wondering if u could be my girlfriend..." my eyes started tearing up and I said yes over and over again. I told him I had to use the bathroom and when I opens the door and there was Jessie holding chocolate and flowers and tears in his eyes but not happy tears. "Jessie...?" I silently said " have a boyfriend now....just as I was about to ask you to be my girlfriend" Jessie said "oh Jessie...I'm sorry I-I didn't know and I guess no one told you that I was gonna play with one of my guy friends today" "it's ok I'll just let you be with your now boyfriend" He said as he was walking away. I closed the door and just sat next to Carlos I cuddled him close and just softly crying in his arms "hey hey it's gonna be ok I promise I'm sure you will work things out with him" he said softly.

~*Night Time*~

I came back from hanging out with my friends for the whole day, "HAILEY" I didn't get an answer "HAILEYYY" I still didn't get an answer so I went up to her room I knocked a few times on her door before I just went inside, I saw her sleeping with her friend Carlos I wasn't going to bother cause then she would get pissed so I just went to bed as well.

~*In The Morning*~
I woke up and did my morning chores pretty early and to my surprise Hailey was up downstairs watching tv. "Oh Hailey your up what a surprise" I said giggling  a bit "yeah yeah whatever" she replied back to me, "oof what happened" already knowing that she was feeling down plus I could tell she was sad eating. "Nothinggg" "cmon something is wrong was it because "Baby boy" is gone?" I said laughing "heyy "baby boy" was my name for your boyfriend....and past boyfriends..SO you cant use it" I laughed a bit and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for us. "Hey did you know that Jessie was gonna come over yesterday to confess to me?" I paused for a second cause I totally forgot about that "uh yeah I did" "Why didn't you tell me!?!?" "Because he wanted it to be a surprise!!" "Well you could've told me he was coming but I wouldn't know the exact time!!" Honestly I didn't really wanna pick a fight with her right now so I just said "ughh whatever I'm  just gonna go back to bed I'm still tired you can play your games lower down your volume unless your gonna put your headphones in and don't scream when you die" I did a little chuckle at the end " Hey! I don't scream I just get mad jeez"😤 she said "lol whatever." Then i went back to bed 'cause I was tired still.

~*In the Afternoon*~

I woke up around brunch time and Hailey was still kind of sad eating but playing some intense games to make her feel better I guess I don't really know. I went downstairs with some crazy hair not noticing so when I went downstairs Hailey just started bursted out laughing while playing COD I guess it's called and short for Call Of Duty. "Hey what are you laughing at!?" I yelled at her, while still laughing she said "Go look in the mirror" "fine". I went upstairs to the bathroom to find out why she was laughing like crazy, then that's when I realized that my hair was a hot mess. I tried getting out most of the knots out of my hair but knots were really hard to get out, now I know how Hailey feels with her REALLY knotted I wonder how she gets them out. "HAILEY" I yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT IM PLAYING AN ONLINE GAME SO CAN'T PUT ON PAUSE" she yelled back at me, "WELL THEN WHEN YOU'RE DONE WITH THAT GAME GET UP HERE" "OK JEEZ". A little later when she was done with that match she ran upstairs "WHAT" she yelled at me, "I need you to help me get these knots out of my hair and how do you deal with the crazy knots anyway?" I asked "well just brush them out like crazy and then take a shower and add a bunch of conditioner." "seriously that's all you do??" I said sounding surprised "yep that's all, but it hurts a lot taking out the knots"  she replied "yeah I totally didn't feel the pain" I said sarcasticlly "yeah yeah whatever" she rolled eyes her at me "here let me help cause its gonna take forever for you to do it, just so you know its gonna hurt like hell" 

~*An Hour Later*~

She finally got all the knots out of my hair, and she was right it hurt like hell. "There done now go take a shower a condintioner it helps a lot trust me" Hailey said "ok i'll do it but i dont really trust you either way" I told her "ya know  you dont have to be so harsh T^T" 

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