Last Chapter :c

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~*About 2 years later*~

2 years later and I haven't heard much from Micheal thankfully and today is the day Dexter and I are getting married. Im so excited.

"Hey hoomanz how's it feel to be now getting married" Hailey said coming out of the dressing room

"feels good im excited"

"I bet"

~*a few minutes later*~

"do you Dexter Oulette take Sage as lovely wedded wife" The pastor asked Dexter

"I do" Dexter said

"and do you Sage take Dexter Oulette as your husband"

"I do"

"You may kiss your bride"

~*Time skip 8 years*~

Dexter and I have been married for 8 years and Mirla is going off to college tomorrow. Time has gone by so fast.

"hey hun" I said as I walked in Mirla's room

"oh hi mom"

"did you pack everything?"

"uh almost"

"here I want you to take this with you" I said giving her a stuffed animal

"my bunny I had as a kid?.. you had it this whole time?"


"I went crazy when I lost this thank you mom" she said as she hugged me tightly

"are you sure you wanna leave today?"

"yes mom It will take me awhile to get to the train station by the time i get there it will most likely be tomorrow"

"ok come meet everyone and say goodbye before you leave" I said exiting her room.

~*An Hour later*~

"Ok im ready to leave.. Bye auntie Hailey and here have this" Mirla said handing her a note

"Mom and Dad here have this I love you guys"

"thank you we love you too" Dexter said

Mirla walked to the door and turned back and said

"i'll miss you guys"

And as soon as she closed the door I heard someone call my name


"baby...babe SAGE"

"what I was asleep?"

"yeah you fell asleep for a while and wouldn't wake up"


"yes baby im right here"

"fuck now I may actually go through this shit"


"nothing whats for breakfast"


I'm sorry I stopped writing I lost all my motive to continue this story then my cousin forced me to do it and I had all the ideas and continued and thank you for the support and Im sorry for the trashy ending but Im giving some credit to my cousin who helped me with the ending.

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