Prank gone wrong!

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"Haileyy!" I called out from the kitchen. I wasnt sure if she could hear me though since she was in her room. No respond. "HAILEYYY-" "THE F#CK YOU WANT?" She said Suprizing me. "I want to prank Micheal." I said smirking while getting up going to the Tiktok room/singing room whatever you'd like to call it. "What kinda prank?" She asked as we entered the room and I turned on the microphone. "I'm pregnant prank on boyfriend." I said while going up to the microphone. I was working on a song so I wanted to rub it in Hailey's face for no reason. "That's sounds fun." Hailey said giggling a bit. "Don't speak, no don't try , it's been a secret for the longest time. Don't run, ah, no don't hide. So many mornings I woke up confused in my dreams I do anything I want to you my emotions are naked they're taking me out of my mind. Right now I'm shameless!" I sang while reading part of the lyrics on the paper. I stopped and turned away laughing at myself while Hailey clapped and kind of laughed. "Can we go prank your boyfriend know?" Hailey laughed as she went up to the microphone. "Sure let me just-" "AND I— TEND TO CLOSE MY EYES BUT IT HURTS SOMETIMES I FALL INTO YOUR ARMS ILL BE SAFE AND A SOUND TILL I-" "BYE!" I shouted leaving the room going downstairs. "DONT LEAVE ME!" She shouted back at me. I laughed as I went over to the mail box. I opened it and took a box and read it. "YES!" I shouted and ran back inside Hailey trailing behind me. "IT CAMEE" I shouted again. "What came?" Hailey replied. "MY DELIVERY FOR THE PRANK." I said proud of myself. I opened it and smiled. When I saw it though I started dieing of laughter. "WHAT IS IT?!?" Hailey asked as she took it from my hands. When she saw it she started dieing as well. "I CANT IMAGINE YOU WEARING THIS—" Hailey stated laughing. I was know crying at this point and grabbed the bag back from my know dead cousin. I opened it and started laughing again from how floppy it was. I recently ordered a fake pregnancy belly things for a couple of weeks. I started putting it around me and stuck it on me. It wasn't huge nor small.

"I'm in love." I said within tears. I then looked into the package again and saw the prank pregnancy whatever it was. "How does that work." Asked a female voice from behind me. "I basically use it as if it's a regular test and it'll turn our positive every time. I have two so yeah." I said as I went to the bathroom and did that. I went outside and put it in a bag. "Why do pregnancy tests work this way?" I asked and went to my car. I took my keys and went to the cars drivers seat. We or if I should say I drove us to the boys house. "We're here!" I shouted and parked the car and got out going inside. I knocked before Jessie opened the door. "Oh he-" I shoved Jessie inside his house and into the bathroom including Hailey. "I'm pranking Micheal today don't ask-" I said and put my shirt up showing Jessie the fake pregnancy thing. He started trying not to laugh before his face fell into I think shock. "What?" I asked confused. "Wait- does that mean you and Micheal did- Well- That?" My eyes widened with realization and I ran out of the bathroom. "I- Um- That- He- I- Yes- I mean no!" I said blushing madly. I walked out and sat on the couch. Is everyone like not here or something?" I asked while looking around. "It's just me and-" "Hey!" I heard Nick say. "Nick..."  Jessie finished. "What's up?" Nick asked. "Well... I'm pranking Micheal today." I said showing him my fake stomach. "Wait- does that mean you and Micheal-" "SHUT UP FOR GODS SAKE!" I finished laughing and blushing a bit to much. Nick laughed and sat down on the couch. "Micheal should be back any minute know so let's set up some cameras and get this started." Nick said smiling. "Sure" I said smirking. I  set up seven cameras around the house. One in the hallway facing the entrance. Another one facing the living room. Directly towards both couches. Another one facing the living room and hall. Another in his room. And another in the bathroom. And we had a couple as well outside the house. "Good luck hooman." Hailey shouted as she went upstairs with Jessie. "Thanks?" I shouted back. Everyone went upstairs into the office to see and watch the cameras. I waited about 10 minutes before I heard the front door open. There's no going back now... "Babe?" I heard a familiar male say. I covered myself a bit more with my jacket I had. I looked up and weakly smiled. "What's wrong?" He asked. Time to put my acting skills to work... He sat down next to me and hugged me.

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