Arriving To California

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~*Hailey's and Sage's POV*~

As soon Hailey and I arrived at our new home. Hailey and I thanked the boys for getting us here and we collected our stuff from the back. As soon as we were ready to go inside Micheal said. "Are you guys free tomorrow?" Hailey and I looked at each other then talking mentally. "yeah we are why?" Micheal looked at the boys and they nodded and then he said. "Come meet us at the park tomorrow, I'll send you the address" Hailey and I were a bit unsure but agreed anyway and went inside.

When we walked in Hailey just threw her stuff on the ground and laid down on the floor. I asked what she was doing and she scoffed while saying. "Laying on the floor what else does it look like I'm doing." I raised a brow at her with a deep expression. "For all I know you could be waiting for me to pick you up and throw you out." I before rolling my eyes. "OH, we need to pick out our outfits for tomorrow." Hailey exclaimed ignoring my statement. "For what again?" I asked "seriously" she face palmed herself. "Micheal technically just asked to hang out tomorrow." She pointed out. "Oh right. Do I even have a free schedule tomorrow? I don't even know I'll check later." I shrugged while putting away from dishes.

"Ya know, maybe instead of sitting on the floor while eating Takis like a fucking fatass you should get up and help me put this shit away?" I shook my head while dusting of cabinets. "Yeah maybe you're right." Hailey shrugged while licking her fingers. "BUT, we do need to pick out our rooms." As soon as she finished that sentence we both made eye contact and ran upstairs to get the biggest room and I managed to get there first somehow. We argued over it for like 5 minutes then Hailey finally gave in. and went to the other room, I felt proud. We started unpacking our stuff and organized everything. Hailey and I also liked paranormal things and Hailey bursted into my room with a EMF meter and asked if we should look around the house when we were doing whatever we had to do. I said sure and we just continued to clean and get our stuff ready.

~*The Boys point of view*~

"Hey boys since we asked out the girls to come with us to the park where do you guys think we should go afterwards?" Micheal asked. "Just ask out that girl with the black hair that fell asleep on you what was her name, Sage right?" Nick said smirking with a chuckle. Micheal started blushing a bit. "But where should we go we're not going to stay at the park the whole time obviously." Micheal said. "Ok then. what about the movies?" Mike suggested. "Yeah that sounds perfect." Micheal agreed.  "We can surprise them tomorrow with them by going to the movies" Jessie said.  "Awesome." Replied Mike.

~*Sage's POV*~

"Hey Hailey, what are you going to wear tomorrow when we go hangout with the boys?" Sage asked. "OH I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT." Yelled Hailey. "Of course you did you're so forgetful" Sage said laughing "Hey thats not funny." Hailey replied with a sad laughing look. I just kept on laughing and then she said out of no where. "Fine then you can wash the dishes cause I was gonna be nice for once and wash them but not anymore." I scoffed at her remark with a laugh. "You never wash dishes anyway whats the point?" When we were done eating Hailey said she was gonna pick out her outfit and go to bed and so was I going to do the same. She said goodnight and went upstairs, when I was done eating I had to wash the dishes cause I know she's not going to do them. When I was done I went upstairs to my bedroom and went to bed.

~*The Next Day*~

I didn't know what time we had to be at the park so i texted Micheal, he said probably around 12. I woke Hailey up and she was a bit grumpy and she asked if I at least made breakfast... "no no I did not make your own." I replied. "Well then wake me up when you're done" Hailey whined, yes she's a whiner. "Fine but at least get ready." "I will." She then replied. "What time do we have to be there exactly?" Hailey yelled from across the hall. "Around 12!" I yelled back and it was already like 9:30. She went back to sleep for an hour and then woke up when I was done making breakfast. After breakfast we both got took our showers and got ready,

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