Test Results

81 1 0

~*After the Shower*~

Hailey was still playing COD downstairs I think.. she plays too many shooting games idk what the hell she plays sometimes. I brush my hair and get dressed, and this may sound wierd or cheesey or whatever but sometimes I just cant stop thinking about him, it's been awhile already since we broke up. I need some fresh air, i'm gonna go out to the pharmacy to get some snacks a drinks. "Hey Hailey you want anything from the pharmacy?" I asked her "yeah takis and a mango arizona pleasee" she replied "ok ill be back in a bit"

~*At the Pharmacy*~

As i entered the pharmacy I started to feel nauseous, I felt like this before so i went to the medicine section to help a bit with it and I was looking for the medicine i saw a pregnancy test and realized what happened with Micheal and I. I took it just incase cause when your pregnant you start to feel nauseous and you throw up I grabbed it and everything else. I paid for the stuff and ran out and into the car and got home quickly.

~*Back At Home*~

"Here ya go" I said to Hailey while handing her her takis and drink "thanks" she replied I went upstairs to the bathroom and tried the pregnancy test I waited for a couple of minutes and when I took it out it tested positive. I start to cry and I run to my room. I will tell Hailey tomorrow and then ill tell Micheal. I start to cry a little more and then I fall asleep.

~*The Next Day*~

I wake up with the pregnancy test still in my hand and I shove it under the pillow before I go to wake Hailey up. I walk to her door and knock I don't get an answer till I hear her yell "IM DOWN HERE" "OK COMING". I walk down there to see there is breakfast already on the table "oh u made breakfast that's the first" I said with a chuckle "well I made the pancakes but I Door Dashed everything else, personally I think the pancakes I made are pretty good" She said "uh huh" I replied I doubt it gonna taste good" I said "ya know...YA KNOW WHAT JUST TRY IT" she yelled at me "ok jeez you dont need to yell at me" I said "actually that didn't suck" I said "mhm whatever" she said rolling her eyes. "But I actually do need to show you something" I told her a little scared "ok" she replied, I ran upstairs to grab the pregnancy test to show her. When I showed her she was surprised but then not surprised at the same time. "OMG your having a childddd im surprised but then not surprised at the same time" see she even said it. "When are you gonna tell Micheal?" "In a bit i just wanted to show you since your already here" I told her "are you gonna tell him in person or through a phone call" she asked "bro I just said I'm gonna leave in a bit, I'm gonna tell him in person" I said with a sigh "ok then" she went to the door and opened it and then she walked towards me and then she started to push me out of the house "hey what are you doing!?!?" I yelled at her. "pushing you out the door so you can finally confront Micheal for the first time in a while" she said "hey wait-" "goodluck" she said without letting me finish my sentence and slammed the door in my face. "WAIT I STILL NEED MY KEYS" I yelled, she threw the keys out of my window. I got in the car and started to drive off.

~* At the Boys House*~

When I got there I started to get really nervous, I knocked on the door and Jessie answered "oh hey what are you doing here" he asked "hey jessie I just came to talk to Micheal is he here?" "actually yeah he just got here, he's upstairs in his room" Jessie said "ok thank you" I said as I was going inside. I knocked on Micheal's door "not right now Mike" said Micheal. "It's not Mike I said" kind of sadly, I can hear Micheal rushing towards the door "Karla...?" he said "hey...I need to tell you something.." "o-ok come in.." he told me a little nervous "ok what is that you need to tell me" he asked "well...here look" I said as I handed him the pregnancy test "I'm pregnant" I said tearing up, "well I am a proud happy to-be Father!!!!" I started to laugh a bit "good" I said "I'm proud to be a mother" I said "Well what are u gonna name him or her?" "If its a girl im gonna name it Mirla and if its a boy I'm gonna name it Alex." I said  "Those are nice name is hope it's a boy" Micheal  said "I hope its a girl"

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