Chapter One :)

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Tommy could finally rest easy and finally take time to stop and think. They all finally could. The slower pace felt nice and a very much needed difference from the face pace war that they've all been constantly feeling. Everyone gathered their thoughts and tried to do what they thought was good. All of them heading in different directions... A war had just ended and they were all on the same side and in the same problem at the end of the day. All of them walking to help another or to just explore the rubble of everything. They were just shell shocked... L'manburg... Manburg. It was gone. Blown up and turned into a huge hole in the ground, everything they had built now gone.

Tommy and Tubbo watched as the sun set over the horizon, shades or orange and red spreading across the sky. The ruins of L'manburg surrounding them, ashes slowly falling from the sky from the explosions. Smoke was still slowly rising from some parts of the land. But the war was finally over and the two were finally free just like everyone else. Tubbo was president and Tommy was vice-president... They were together just like they wanted from the beginning. They had separated from the group as soon as the fighting had completely stopped, wanting to just be alone for a little while. The two just sat there, Tubbo leaning on Tommy's shoulder as they finally took the time to rest. They were both running on pure adrenaline and now that they were taking the time to think they were hit by exhaustion.

The younger brunette looked out to the crater caused by the explosion, still shaken by the destruction Wilbur had caused. There were small craters scattered across the ground from the two withers Techno had spawned. They didn't know where the hybrid was now... Probably ran away into the forest to escape all the chaos... The two withers being his Hail Mary before running off. He looked down at his friends and foes... He saw Niki and Eret helping Quackity to their make-shift infirmary since the blast had thrown him in the air. He could see Dream hugging Fundy tightly with Sapnap, Karl, and George standing to the side. Philza was standing in the ruins of the hidden bunker while holding the sword he had used to kill his own son, the man dropping to his knees. All the people seemed just as broken as their land...

But Tubbo knew he could fix it all.

He knew that he and Tommy could fix it all.

Tubbo looked at the broken place the two upset and still even called home. It didn't really matter if it was a huge hole in the ground... This is where they belonged at the end of it all. He saw some of his friends climbing through the rubble and sometimes even hugging each other. He knew that Tommy would be determined to rebuild and maybe even make L'manburg better. The boy would be lying if he didn't want to do the same thing. They both wanted to rebuild their home... They would never abandon it. The two were constantly told that they shouldn't be fighting a war... The brunette sometimes wanted to agree. He had never even seen a wither before this time. He couldn't lie that sometimes he just wanted to give up and stop fighting, just picking up everything and running away.

But the two boys didn't regret sticking with it. They didn't regret fighting for L'manburg time and time again. They didn't regret staying in L'manburg with everyone else, with their family. Fighting for their freedom and independence from everyone who tried to take it away. Fighting for what they wanted and what they believed in. Tubbo just sighed with a smile plastered all over his face as he rested more of his weight on Tommy's side. He had already stripped himself of his dirty and heavy armor and so had his blonde friend. The jukebox was surprisingly still working and was playing quietly in the background as they rested. He didn't know what Tommy was thinking next to him but they were both resting now.

It felt just like old times.

But when Tubbo closed his eyes to rest them due to exhaustion, he could suddenly feel himself slightly shaking. He thought it was the tremors because the world was still shifting due to all the explosions that had happened minutes before... The ground was still settling after all. Tubbo didn't even know what damage the Wither caused to the land as well. The creatures were able to destroy any land on their path... Earthquakes and tremors were bound to come up once and a while. So he didn't pay much attention to it. He just let himself rest, his body feeling heavier and heavier as time passed.

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