Chapter 4 <3

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I'm so so sorry this took so long!!! I've been so busy with school, work, and other stuff. I've also been sick both mentally and physically- But I'm slowly getting back into things! I'll be posting slowly but more frequent! I'm just trying to somewhat take care of myself- (Cause if I don't my partner might actually fight me)

But yea! Let's get into the chapter! :)

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"They're here!!! They're actually here!!! Come on! Come on! I saw them pulling up at the docks a few minutes ago! Let's go! Let's go! I wanna see Dream! Hurry up! Get off your ass and stop sleeping, George!" Sapnap yelled into the house and everyone perked up at the male's yelling, the blaze hybrid almost breaking the door off of it's hinges.

George was quick to sit up from the couch, one hand holding his mushroom cap hat on his head. Quackity and Karl looked over at their fiance from the dining room table, the two having been looking over Karl's memory journal. Quackity had been really attached to Karl the past few days after their little incident but the brunette insisted that he was fine and the little breakdown kinda came out of nowhere. But even so, everyone was still really nervous for Karl and tried to make sure he didn't overwork himself when it came to going over memories and names he needed to relearn.

"Sapnap! LANGUAGE!!!" Bad yelled as he was in the kitchen baking, the demon hybrid pulling out muffins from the oven when his son had arrived and busted through the door. The demon had been caught off guard by the younger busting through the door and had almost dropped the whole pan. Sapnap winced a bit at his father's yelling but quickly shook it off, running over to George and attempting to pull him off the couch.

"Wait- I thought they wouldn't be here until tomorrow morning- What do you mean they're here now?" George asked as he grabbed his cape that was draped over the arm of the couch. He swung it over his shoulders and finally managed to follow his friend that was practically bouncing with excitement. He was quick to grab George's hand and start pulling him out the door, the brunette starting to trip over his feet as he walked behind his best friend. Karl and Quackity were quick to start getting out of their chairs and Bad was putting the muffins out to cool down, but George was already being pulled out the front door and towards the docks.

Once they were there, George saw that Sapnap was right. The boat that Sapnap had seen had just docked, the two of them seeing Philza using a rope to tie it to one of the bracers. Techno had on foot on the dock and one foot still in the boat, the hybrid taking bags out of it. There were a lot more things this time, supplies needing to be provided to five people at once. Techno was surprised the small boat hadn't sunk on their way there. They hadn't noticed the two approhing the docks. But soon Sapnap pulled George forward again, the two making their way closer to the boat. As they approached the boat George spotted three figures and a sheep standing there.

Waiting there was Ghostbur, Tommy, and of course Dream. They were all talking, the two ghosts floating around the younger blonde with smiles on their faces. Dream seemed to be trying to tell Tommy something while Ghostbur was laughing and putting his hands on the teen's shoulders. Tommy seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, but instead of yelling he just stood there. The blonde was just holding his hands to his chest as he spoke up once and awhile. He was quieter than usual, the blonde not yelling at anyone and instead just standing around. It threw them all off but they didn't really question it, letting the younger blonde have his space.

The two friends were paying more attention to Dream.

"Dream!!!" The two yelled and the ghost was quick to turn around, almost hitting Ghostbur and Tommy when doing so. Dream smiled and immediately started to make his way to his friends, jumping and tackling them in a hug. As they were all on the ground Sapnap and George just laughed and hugged their friend tighter, the three happy to be together again. Tommy and Ghostbur watched as their basically adoptive brother reunited with his friends.

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