Chapter 3... :)

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Listen- I'm so sorry I haven't been posting that much! I'm so so so sorry! But school has started and it's my first year at this new school and I'm having a hard time adjusting with things- So I don't have that much time to write. But I'm feeling a lot better and I've been getting int eh mood to write more- So I'll try my best to get more content out for you all! Anyways- You might notice this chapter is a little shorter than others- That's because I'm still trying to get into the swing of things- So I'll slowly be making chapters longer an longer depending on how I feel- 

So just bare with me until I'm back in the zone of writing please-

Anyways- Enjoy this chapter! :)


"So... They're actually coming back...? Like they're coming back to see us-?" George asked as he sat down slowly at the dining table with the rest of his friends. He sat there with Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity, the four of them still living together. Bad had moved out a few days after Dream had left, the demon finally comfortable to live in his own house again. George did miss the demon, but he was happy that Bad had found the thing he needed to be happy again. The brunette looked at his friends at the table, Karl reading through his memory book as he tried refreshing his memory for the day. Quackity was helping the ex-time traveler once and awhile with reading and understanding some memories that Karl had a hard time remembering. They were in their own little world compared to George and Sapnap. Sapnap just hummed as he took a sip of his warm coffee, the hybrid still a little out of it since it was pretty early in the morning.

"I mean... Apparently Philza messaged Tubbo and told him that they were coming back to L'manburg sooner or later. They should be here in a few days or so... Since they're all coming it's harder to fit them and all the stuff they need into one boat," Sapnap explained as he looked down at his reflection through the liquid of his cup as he thought for a second. "Maybe we can hang out with Dream more this time! You know? Instead of having to try and avoid him because- Because of what we did to him... That was kind of a stupid move," Sapnap said and with that George looked down in shame, the brunette starting to think into the past. Sapnap immediately put down his mug with a sigh, knowing what his friend was thinking. He and George have had these moments full of guilt, regret, and sadness. They looked back at the day that Dream had left them.

Well... The day they had left Dream...


"You hate me Dream... I woke up as King and now... What am I?"

"Tell me you hate me Dream! I can take the truth,"

"We didn't throw it away, Dream... You threw everything away when you said that the only thing you cared about is the discs. You should've thought of what would happen before you admitted you didn't care about anything. You did this to yourself,"

"Come on... He's not worth it George. He's said what he said. He doesn't care about anything but himself and the discs. He doesn't really care about us. He made that very clear,"

"We're not friends anymore Dream..."

"N-no... You can't leave me alone..."


"Listen George... That was the past and sadly we can't do anything about it... Dream and everyone else from the tundra are coming to L'manburg in a few days. We had already said the things we wanted to say and he had already forgiven us. Honestly? I'd rather try and heal our relationship with the ghost of our best friend then stay guilty and sad about something we can't change. It's not like we can go back in time and stop ourselves from sending Dream away... At least- We can't do that safely," Sapnap said sadly as he looked over at one of his fiances, Sapnap's time travelling partner still experiencing the aftermath of his actions. And on the other hand Sapnap's fear of Karl forgetting him still weighed heavily on his mind. Sapnap just shook the thought of fear away as he looked down at the coffee in his mug, taking the spoon inside and stirring the liquid. They were all a bit shaken with the things that happened throughout their lives.

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