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Halo is helping Jimin pack all of his clothing. Folding it softly and placing it into his suitcase as he looked at his son sadly. Jimin was looking at a picture of Leo holding him when he was three. They both had huge smiles as Jimin's cheek was squished against Leo's as Leo held him tightly. Jimin's front teeth were missing in that picture, Leo adored it dearly.

Halo gently shut the suitcase before walking around the bed and sitting next to his son.

"Jimin, I have a recommendation." Halo says softly.

Jimin looks up, his eyes watering.

"Do you have any contact with the baby's father?"

Jimin nods.

Halo takes his hands in his.

"I think you should have your baby but contact the baby's father so that he knows he has a child. You're so young, baby. I want you to have support. More than just your friends." Halo speaks kindly as he caresses his son's face.


"We'll tell your father that you did get an abortion. But when you have your baby, I want you to send me pictures, okay?" Halo smiled.

Jimin hugs his father tightly.

"Okay, pa."

"I love you, Minnie, okay? I love you so much. Your father loves you too, he's just stupid." Halo's lips are pressed onto Jimin's forehead before Halo pulls back.

"I love you too, pa." Jimin sniffled before Halo stood up hearing Leo come home.

"Where is he?" Leo tries to walk past Halo but Halo keeps him in his place.

Jimin walks out of his room with his suitcase before looking down at his parents, Leo looking up at him, complete loss in his eyes.

"W-why does he have a suitcase?" Leo looks down at his husband who rubbed his hands on his shoulders before whispering back.

"He's leaving."


Jimin walked downstairs, followed by Liz who had another suitcase. They walked to the door as Leo tried to reach for him, Halo pushing him back.

"Jimin! Son!" Jimin was already out the door and in his car with Liz, driving off to Chung-ha's home.

"Halo, w-where is he going?"

Halo's grip on his husband's shirt tightened. He isn't one to lie to his husband but this was for his son.

"He's listening to you, he's terminating his pregnancy. He can't stand to be near you so he's staying with a friend."

"What?" Leo's voice gets quieter.

"He's leaving? He can't stand to see..." His voice trails off and he slowly falls to the ground. Halo followed him before kissing his husband's head.

"Why? Why did I do that? My son hates me." Leo's voice quivered.

Halo sighed as he rubbed Leo's neck while holding him tightly.

"You're a fool." Halo shakes his head as he feels his husband's tight grip on the back of his shirt.

"I'm sorry." He sobs. "I'm so sorry." His tears soak the omega's shirt. "Please! Tell him I'm so sorry! I'll leave him alone, he will birth the baby and I will love my grandchild! My love, please!"

Halo had never seen his husband like this. He was always so put together. He never sniffled and sobbed as he held him tightly. Now, what was he to do?

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