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Jungkook's eyes moved slightly under his eyelids before slowly fluttering open when he felt a tug on his arm. He sees a nurse hovering over him, writing things down on her clipboard.

He groans which gets her attention. The smile on her face could rival the Cheshire Cat. She sat her clipboard down and rushed out of the room, shouting for a doctor who came running. They looked at Jungkook, standing side by side.

"Mr. Jeon." The doctor smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

Jungkook was quiet before sighing out through his nose, shaking his head.

"Can you breathe on your own?"

He nods.

"Then let's get this mask off and tube out." She sighed out.

"Nurse Jian, please call his friends and family and inform them to come here quickly. They'll be pleased to see he's alive and well."

She was right. Jungkook was alive and well. During his comatose state, his mind had time to focus on healing him and healing him only. As his heart bumped, his bruises turned yellow. As blood flowed throughout his body, his bones mended themselves. From the top of his head to the tips of his toes, he felt fine yet slightly numb.

He sat still as the doctor removed his mask, he took in a deep breath before she informed him not to move at all as she removed the tube from his throat. He nods as he keeps his mouth open and she slowly pulls it out. He can feel it making its way throughout his body and he almost gagged. It made its way to his throat then out of his mouth. He coughed a little bit as the nurse wiped his mouth with a damp towel.

"I'll check over your vitals and movement before your loved ones get here." The doctor informs as she writes a few things on her clipboard.

She leaves the room while the nurse replaces his IV bag.

"W-where is-"

"Your son and omega?"

Jungkook nods as he looks at her, eyes wide.

"They were here for the six months you were in comatose. But ending your sixth month, he was ushered to leave because he was here every waking hour since you were admitted. I'm sure he'll arrive with everyone else." She smiles as she squeezes the bag ever so slightly. Before stepping back as the doctor arrived.

"Now, let's see what damage has been healed, old friend."

Only fear rushed over Jimin when the mafia came to the villa and told him they needed to go to the hospital. There was only one thought in his mind and that was that his boyfriend was dead.

He held his son's hand tightly as they walked into the hospital, encircled by the mafia and Jimin's group. The doctor bowed to them before they followed behind her to Jungkook's room. She opened the door with a smile, which Jimin couldn't see before everyone gasped and held back tears. Jimin looked around at everyone and his pulse was loud in his ears.

Everyone parted and Jimin's eyes widened as the doctor began to speak.

"He's perfectly fine and healthy. His wounds healed beautifully, but he does have more scars than before. His broken bones are good as new. But—" She was cut off as Jimin and Prince ran to Jungkook and jumped onto the bed.

Jimin sobbed loudly as he hugged Jungkook, Prince hugging him just as tightly. Jungkook hugged them back just as tightly as he kissed their heads.

"You're alive!" Jimin whispered through his sobs.

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