Chapter 16

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12:15 P.M.

I got up from my compfy bed and went down stairs, I saw my mom reading a book to Sam. I wipped my eyes and sat downs next to my mom. "Aren't you hungry?" , my mom asked me. I leaned my head on her shoulder, "no I'm too fat." I smirked started to laugh. "Shush, you need to eat something. It's lunch time", she told me. "I can eat she could comes to get me, for our date." I said laughing. "Are you still tried?" My mom asked. "Nope!", I laughed and dozed off. "What time is luke gonna pick you up at?", she asked getting off the couch,,then putting my head on the couch cushion, and giving me a blanket. "6 or 630", I told her. "Okay,I'll walks you up around, 3:00?", she told me then walked away, in to the kitchen. "Mhmmmm", I mumbled, then went back to sleep.


"Katlyn,", someone shook me. I opened my eyes and saw my mom. "Okay, I'm up!", I growled at her. I got of he couch and went upstairs to take a shower. I took of My pajamas an hopped into the shower.

When I got out of the shower I read the text messages from luke. Dress nice, I smiled and threw my phone on t o the bed. I walks over to my closet, with the towel wrapped around me. I started to look in my closet. "Hmmmmmm?", I thought. Well obviously we're not gonna be wearing a tux or a fancy dress. I thought. So I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny Jeans, with no holes. Then I looked for a shirt, I picked out a fancy dress shirt that would match the skinny jeans. I put on the clothes and look at my phone. 4:50p.m. I honestly thought that this day was going by real fast, I just hope that nothing fucks up my day. I combed my hair, then blow dried it. I didn't know what to do, so I just curled my hair.

It was 5:45p.m. when I was done getting ready. I walked down stairs (with my phone) and rummaged through my shoes. I found a nicer pair of converse, I put them on, then grabbed a small jacket. I walked into the kitchen: with my jacket. I set my jacket down on the counter top. I opened the cabinet, where the cups where at. I took a glass cup and made my self a glass of water. I looked around my house, and saw that it was quiet, to quiet. I know that my mom was in the shower, my step dad sleeping. But where was Sam? I started to looked around for her. I set my glass down and went upstairs, to her room. I opened the door and saw no Sam. I went into my parents room, no Sam? I felt my heart sink. I walked to my room slowly. I turned the door knob. I saw Sam. She had my high heels on, my shirt, and a old skirt. I started to giggle. Sam looked at me, my eyes widden as I looked at her! "My li-li-lip stick!", I studdered. Sam had the lip stick, smeared all over her face. Right before I could yell at her, the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs, Sam behind me. Before I opened the door I fixed my hair. "Sam move", I hissed at her. She wouldnt move. I opened the door, "Hey!", Luke laughed, standing with white roses, slowly handing them to me. "Hey!", I laughed, taking the flowers, and letting him in. For a couple seconds, i honestly forgot about Sam. "Luke!", Sam screamed. I went into the kitchen. I bent over to get a vase, when I got a vase u filled it half way with water. I looked back over at Luke. I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh. "Katlyn?", Luke looked at me. "Hmmmm?", I asked Luke, putting the flowers into the vase. "What happened to her?", Luke chuckled. "her face? She took my lip stick and smeared it across her face," I laughed walking back where Luke was. Luke looked at Sam then at me. "what?", I laughed. "Nothing", he chuckled. My mom walked down the stairs. She looked at me, then at Sam. "what happened to her?", she asked. "nothing, we gotta go.". I grabbed my jacket abd Luke and I went to the car. I buckled my seat belt and Luke drove off.


I was sitting down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I kinda felt bad because I didn't wake Katlyn up. But at the same time, I didn't want her to go ape shit on me. Maybe I should go over to her house? I told myself. What if Lukes there, I told my self again. I got off my bed and slipped on my shoes, I grabbed my keys and went to Katlyns house.

Bullied by Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now