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🐻Bear Attack🐻
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One by one, they all boarded the vacant boat. First, Trumpkin entered the boat, followed by Peter. Then, they both extended their arms out to help Lucy and Susan onto the boat. Edmund got on in the last row and looked back at Charlotte, who was still shaking like a leaf, deep in thought over the prophecy.

"Come on," he urged, holding a hand out for her to take, "it'll be okay. We'll sort this out together."

She took his hand, and he cautiously pulled her on the boat, sitting her down beside him. Peter then grabbed the oars and began rowing. Edmund kept looking worriedly at Charlotte, who refused to make eye contact with anybody. She hung her head low. He was still uncertain how to make her feel better, especially after hearing such bad news about her fate, but he felt upset seeing her look so anxious and nervous.

"Hey," he spoke, gaining her attention, "are you alright?"

"Just thinking about what the dwarf said," she shrugged, "I don't know what to expect. If I would really..."

"We felt the same way when we first came to Narnia," Peter said, as he continued pulling and pushing the oars.

"Really?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, we met the beavers who told us a prophecy too," Peter shared, "that we were to fight the White Witch in Narnia."

Edmund stiffened at the mention of the White Witch. Charlotte let out a gasp, placing a hand over her mouth. This stunned Peter, who blinked twice at her.

"You fought the White Witch?" She whispered lowly.

"Well, yeah," Peter nodded awkwardly, "you know about her too?"

"My parents helped a friend plant a tree to ensure Narnia's protection from her," Charlotte explained, "but how did she get in?"

"That was centuries ago. The tree died after many years," Trumpkin explained, "and I heard stories that she ruled Narnia for a very long time before the Kings and Queens came in the Golden Age."

"That's impossible, my parents are only a generation older than us," Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows, "it couldn't have been that long, all of this couldn't have happened in such a short time frame."

"Apparently," Susan began, "time passes in Narnia much faster than on Earth."

"I don't believe it," Charlotte said breathlessly, still in shock, "you actually fought the White Witch."

"We were just as scared," Peter shared, "but we followed through with the prophecy. And we turned out alright."

"So you see," he added, "prophecies might sound scary at first. We thought it was impossible and we were reluctant to fight. We were sure we would die. But eventually, the events unfolded and we understood our importance. Either way, we would fight or die trying for Narnia."

"Thanks, Peter," Charlotte managed to smile, feeling more relieved.

She looked over to Edmund, who was deep in thought. His eyebrows were furrowed, his shoulders raised. He just plainly stared at the waters, his chest rising and falling slowly as if he was internally trying to calm himself down.

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