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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
🌍Between Two Worlds🌍
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

For the first time in weeks, Charlotte rose comfortably in a bed.

The sun rays penetrated her chambers through the balcony doors. Clear skies waited outside, and chatters roamed past her door, prompting her to start the day. She failed to recall the last time she slept peacefully, in Narnia and on Earth, but she savoured this moment rising in a proper bed like royalty.

Even in the bath chambers, serenity spread slowly through her body as she sat in the tub full of soap bubbles. Her nerves could calm down, and her eyes could rest. In times of war, she was finally living a luxurious life.

A delicate knock came at her door three times before a familiar voice greeted her.

"Are you in there, Charlotte? It's Edmund."

"Edmund!" A sudden surge in panic took over her voice at the thought of Edmund walking in on her.

Realising that she had already locked the door, she sunk into the tub in relief, with her face barely above the water.

"Sorry to disturb you under these circumstances," his muffled voice travelled through the smooth solid door as he stood stationary outside, "but I'm relaying a message from Aslan. He wishes to speak with you after breakfast. Would you like me to wait for you outside your chambers while you get dressed?"

"Sure! I'd like that," she nodded mindlessly, "I'll be out in a moment."


Silence shortly followed after which indicated to her that he had left. She quickly wrapped herself in a towel and got dressed. Minutes later, she twirled in her lilac dress with the layers that flared and her hair up in a pretty princess braid.

As she stepped out of the chambers, Edmund did a double-take at her dress. His mouth fell agape, earning a giggle from her.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," she curtsied with elegance in her smile and posture.

"Uh, good morning," Edmund smiled shyly with a bow. "You look sophisticated. As always."

"You look gorgeous yourself, Your Majesty," she lowered her gaze, shielding her reddening cheeks.

"Shall we?"

Charlotte held his arm in response, and they headed to the dining room together.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

After breakfast, Charlotte curiously made her way to the castle grounds, where the majestic lion stood patiently.

"Um, good morning, Aslan," she greeted, curtsying before him.

"Good morning, Charlotte," he chuckled softly, his deep voice invoking calmness in her. "Have you enjoyed a good meal?"

The sight of him alone in front of her was surreal. His tail laid flat on the ground, occasionally shifting from side to side. His dark cat eyes were expressive, conveying his pleasant mood. His ears moved and, like a cat, he shook his mane lightly.

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