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🗡Castle Attack🗡
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Charlotte proceeded soundlessly with the professor through the dark halls. The silent atmosphere was akin to tiptoeing through a minefield. She treaded cautiously, and even held her breath occasionally to add to her silence, especially when guards were spotted.

They hid behind a wall, as she peeked at two guards conversing with each other at a corner. To her dismay, the professor staggered as his legs gave way to the uneven ground. She held his arm, only to have her sword by her waist lightly scraping across the surface. Her eyes widened, and her heart stopped as adrenaline rushed through her vessels.

"Who goes there?" One of the guards barked, echoing across the hall.

She could hear their footsteps draw closer, matching the quickening pace of her pounding heart. Their heavy breathing grew to a crescendo by the second, and she stood rooted to the ground like a deer in headlights. Her mind was empty, out of ideas. How could she possibly fend herself and the feeble man against these guards?

Then, a horrific scream echoed across the halls.

"The queen," one of the guards nudged the other, "let's go."

Without another word, they bolted off in the opposite direction. Charlotte, only realising that she had been holding her breath, exhaled deeply in relief.

"Queen Prunaprismia," the professor deduced, his features trembling with trepidation, "Miraz's wife."

The cries were instantly followed by men marching and hollering orders to one another.

"We're under attack!"

"Sound the alarm!"

"The whole castle is rising," he inferred, with trembling hands, "you don't have much time."

"Professor, we've got to get you to safety," she tugged on his arm.

"No, they need you, my dear," he insisted, "I can manage. Tell Caspian to meet me by the stables."

Charlotte nodded, bolting off to find the rest.

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Meanwhile, Edmund tossed his torch in his hand, flipping it incessantly as he stood by for Peter's signal. Sinking into his thoughts of Charlotte, he felt somewhat relieved after pecking her on the cheek. Seeing her dazzling smile was all the joy he needed in the world.

He was soon shaken out of his thoughts when a scream echoed from the master chambers. Startled, the torch left his hand, tumbling down on the lower level of the tower.

A guard marched over to investigate the artefact. He wore a perplexed expression, grabbing the torch. He tampered with it in an attempt to comprehend its function. Unbeknownst to him, his thumb landed on its button, before his eyes were harshly greeted by a beaming ray of light.

"Ah!" He exclaimed, waving the torch in all directions.

Edmund peered out the open window as he travelled down the spiralling stairs. He was vaguely unimpressed by the guard's inexperience with advanced gadgets. When the guard shone the torch up in his direction, he quickly hid out of sight.

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