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(Author's POV)

Taehyung couldn't stop moaning. Why? Bacause he was being fucked in a rough way and not by just one, but two people at the same time!

The Jeon twins had took Taehyung to a hotel nearby so none of the members could interupt them. Taehyung knew that this day would come. He was actually waiting for it but it didn't mean that he wasn't nervous.

However, the twins had started slowly to prepare him and careful not to hurt him which leaded to Taehyung putting his guard down completely. He put his full trust on his boyfriends and told himself that he will be fine.

Oh, boy...if he knew this was going to happen, he would've ran away from them as soon as possible.

He wanted to touch the twins, but the piece of cloth which was cuffing his hands to the headboard wasn't allowing him to do so.

When Jeongguk was trying to enter him while Jungkook was pounding in him, he had tried to stop him. Jeongguk simply took a hold of his hands and cuffed him, saying "Then you don't need your hands, I guess. If you be a good boy, I'll release you."

Taehyung was the stubborn type. So he couldn't blame himself when he chose to take revenge and keep quiet to tease Jeongguk. Well...he tried to.

"Ggukie...p-please...m-my hands..."

He whined between his moans.

"That's not my name, baby."

Taehyung knew. But he still wanted to tease Jeongguk for cuffing his hands. Not that he was embarrassed, not at all...


Gguk leaned down on him and thrust hard in his already swollen hole, making the boy threw his head back and moan loudly.

"What's my name?"

Taehyung just glared at him while huffing. Jeongguk wasn't angry. He actually loved to make the boy beneath him submit to him, instead of him submitting willingly.
He stopped moving but Jungkook just slowed down a bit to tease the boy.

Taehyung whimpered and squirmed.

"What's my name, Tae?"

"Move...p-please..." Taehyung escaped the question again.

"Are you trying to get me to punish you? You want it that badly?"

A hard smack landed on his butt and he whimpered like a kicked puppy.


Jungkook stopped moving completely. Now Taehyung was really going crazy!

"No, don't stop. Please...Ah!"

Another smack landed on his other cheek, this time by Jungkook.

"Then answer his question, baby boy."

Taehyung looked back at Jeongguk who was staring down on him like a hungry beast.

"Be a good boy and say my name."

Tears were forming in Taehyung's eyes because of the frustration.


They both started moving fast again and Taehyung moaned and gripped on the headboard. He was recieving the usual pleasure like double times more and he didn't have any control over his body anymore.

"Such a beautiful baby we have~So cute...tell daddy what you want."

All he could do was moan in respond. Tears of pleasure were rolling down his face. The twins also started moaning and groaning when they were reaching their high.

"Daddy...ah...my-mmmh...h-hands, p-please..."

Jeongguk released his hands and Taehyung was fast to wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him.

"Ah, Tae...you feel so g-good."

Jungkook groaned and thrusted harder. Taehyung's moans got so loud that he was afraid even the soundproofing of the room wouldn't work anymore. But he couldn't get himself to care about it. His mind was fuggy and far from reality. All he could focus on was the pleasure and his boyfriends.

With a high pitched moan from Taehyung and low groans from the twins, they all came together. They stayed like that for a minute to catch their breath. Jeongguk was the first to take his member out. As slow as he was trying to be, Taehyung whimpered anyway since he was sensitive and overstimulated.
After him, Jungkook took it out and lied down beside Taehyung.

"I'll go prepare the bath."

Jungkook was caressing Taehyung's hair and whispering sweet nothings to him until Jeongguk came back and carefully picked Taehyung up on his arms.

The tub was big enough for the three of them to fit in. The twins sat on opposite sides and Taehyung sat between Jeongguk's legs. He was tracing his hand up and down on the boy's back slowly.

"You ok babe?"

Taehyung nodded and leaned back on Gguk's board chest.

"You wanna know something funny?"

Jeongguk hummed.

"I remembered one of my memories about you."

Jungkook looked at him waiting while Jeongguk stopped his hand. Taehyung smiled devilishly.

"We were in some kind of a jungle. You were both laying your heads on my thighs. I was only caressing Kookie's hair because my other hand was holding a book. After a while you started whining that why I was only caressing Jungkook and not you. Gosh, the pout on your lips is unforgetable!"

Jeongguk groaned and closed his eyes while Jungkook laughed hard.

"From all those memories, you had to remember that one, didn't you?"

Taehyung shrugged and giggled.

"Not my problem that my mind loves the cute version of you."

This time the other twin laughed as well and kissed Taehyung on his head.

"I'm glad that you are regaining your memory. Even if they are ones to embarrass me."

They laughed again and Taehyung had a wide smile on his face. He loved this.Feeling safe, loved and comfortable in the arms of the two people he loves, was all he needed now.


I still can't stop smiling by the thought of Jeongguk pouting*~*
Hope you all enjoyed!


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