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(Taehyung's POV)

I opened my eyes to the sound of the door being shut. My eyes adjusted to the light and slowly, I sat up but groaned in pain when my back hurt like it's been broken. Well, it may actually be since those two almost ruined me last night.

"Oh, you're awake? I thought you might sleep until noon."

I glared at Jungkook and yawned.

"Why, because of last night? Huh, you think I'm that weak? You weren't even that rough, y'know."

What the hell Taehyung? Why are you spouting nonesense?! You literally passed out last night!
Jungkook saw the look on my face and grinned. This Bastard!

"Yeah? You wanted it rougher than that?"

Suddenly, he was on top of me with my hands in his fist above my head.
I stared at his eyes, blinking like an idiot.

"We could always try again, if you want."

I gulped when his eyes lowered to my lips and his face came closer.
My eyes were about to close but I snapped out of it and wiggled in his hold.

"Stop it already. Don't you have work to do? Where's Gguk?"

He stared at me dumbfonded for a second before huffing a laugh and getting up.
Before he could answer me, the door to the bathroom opened and Jeongguk walked out. His gaze landed on me and a smile appeared on his lips.

"You woke up. I was starting to regret going overboard last night."

I glared at him. "Wow, you have the audacity to say that to my face huh?" I pointed my finger at them then rolled my eyes.

"Of course;" Gguk walked to the bed and hovered over me. "You deserved a punishment after all." He smirked and pecked my lips before I could argue with him.

I chose to give up on arguing and instead, scanned the room. It wasn't the same room that we were having-...um...we were staying in last night...

"Are we back at the hotel?" They nodded and I titled my head. "When did you bring me back?"

Jungkook leaned on his elbow on the bed. "After you passed out." He smirked when my face heated from embarrassment.

All of a sudden my stomache growled loudly and all three of us stared at it.
Jungkook laughed softly and Gguk chuckled, standing beside the bed.

"Let's go. Jin hyung has made breakfast." Kook said while standing up and putting his hand out, probably waiting for me to grab it.

I smiled and by grabbing his hand, we went out and made our way to the kitchen where everyone were sitting around the table.

"Tae, you finally came! Hurry up before your food gets cold." Jin hyung fast talked and grabbed my arm, then forced me down on one of the chairs.

"Wow hyung! When did you wake up to make all these food?"

The table was set with lots of different foods on it.

"It doesn't matter just eat up already."

He sat down himself and when he made sure everyone were eating, he digged in too.
Not a minute later, someone's phone made a 'ding' sound.
I looked up to see Hoseok hyung checking his phone with a deep frown forming on his face.

He turned toward the twins. "Guys, I need to talk to you..." They both got the message and stood up, going in a corner to talk. I stared at them suspiciously, then continued to eat. Something must have happened. Hesoek hyung looked really serious...

"Jin hyung...did something happen?"

I don't think the questioning look on his face was anything made up. He looked as confused as me, glancing at them from the corner of his eyes. But then he looked at me and smiled softly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's just a business thing."

He said that, but he didn't look like he believed it himself. Something was definitely up...

"God dammit!"

I jumped up when Jeongguk suddenly swore loud enough for all of us to hear, then walked out of the room.
Jungkook sighed while walking back to us, messing up his hair in frustration.

"We gotta go. Pack your stuff."

Jin hyung frowned. "Wait, what? Now?"

Jungkook sighed anxiously.

"Yeah, change of plans. We can't stay here any longer. I can't say why but we gotta go. And fast!"

Everyone got the message and stood up. While they went upstairs to pack, I walked to my stressed out lover.

"Kook...? Talk to me. What's going on? What happened all of a sudden?"

He stared at me in silence for a moment before wrapping his arms around me tightly. "I won't lose you...we won't make the same mistake again..." He backed up and pecked my lips.

"Don't worry, Taehyung. Everything's fine. Just please, don't ask anything and do as I said. We don't have much time. I will explain everything when we get back home."

I wanted to do exactly that and question him more. This wasn't making any sense. But I could see how anxious and frustrated he was so it must be something real serious to make him so uncomfortable.

"Okay...but please be careful. And take care of Gguk for me. I don't want to see you guys all bloody again." I didn't want to put anymore pressure on him so I was going to do as he said.

He walked out after giving me a reassuring smile, leaving to take care of whatever business they were dealing with.

Just when I think things are getting better, everything goes down to shit.

Great. This is just great.


Hello, I'm back!
I know I know...I'm sorry for not updating this whole time.
Honestly, I wasn't planning on continuing my stories anymore...
I was dealing with so many problems at the same time so I basically had no energy or the mental capacity to write; therefore I was planning on deleting my books.

But what gave me strength were your comments;)
Whenever you guys commented and liked my story, I would feel the positive energy and it made me want to keep writing.
So thank you all for not giving up on me and giving love to me and my story:)♡

Love y'all!

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