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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

Next morning,I was woken up by a familiar person.

"Hey,Taehyung,wake up."

I opened my eyes and looked at him.I got scared when I didn't remember him at first,but then I relaxed and yawned quietly.

"What is it?"

Jin sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me excitley.
His eyes were wide and he was acting like he want to tell a secret.

"I have good news for you!"

He bite his lower lip and jumped a little in his seat.
I was watching him surprised and a little confused.What can a good news be for me in here?!

I didn't say anything for him to keep going.

"I got permission for you to come out of this room!"

He clapped his hands excited and jumped on his feet.
Well,that was a real sutprising news!
I wouldn't even have this dream that they're going to let me out.
I sat there shocked,not knowing what to do.

"But Taehyung...I want to tell you something"

His excitment was suddenly gone and he looked more serious now.He calmly sat on his previous spot and took my hand in his.

"Look,I got permission from them to get you out so you can walk in the mansion and breath a little.But in return...I want you to peomise me."

I listened carefully so I wouldn't get in trouble when I go out.

"What promise?"

He took a deep breath in and out,looking directly into my eyes.His eyes were soft now.His look was like a parent,caring and worrying about their child.

"Promise me that you won't try anything stupid.If you run away or try something,not only they won't let me get you out,but they will keep you here and never trust you again."

"You mean they trust me now?Me?!"
Taehyung frowned.

"I...think so?"
He turned his gaze to his hands.
(Flashback,last night)

Knock knock knoch.

"Hyung,can we talk for a minute?"

Jin got up and opened the door while he was rubbing his eyes for a better view in the dark.

"What is it kook?"

He seemed kind of nervous.
Jin looked at Jungkook's fingers that he was playing with them.

"C-can I come in?"

Jin walked aside,allowing the ypunger to pass him and sit on the bed.
He quietly closed the door and sat next to him.

"Why are you...so nervous?"

Jungkook stopped his fingers and stared at them.
Jin was so confused and worried.He hasn't seen the boy so worried in a lkng time.So he could guess why he was such a nervous wreck.

"It's about Taehyung,isn't it?"

Jungkook shot his head up and stared at Jin with wide eyes for a second.Then lowered his head to stare at his fingers.

"Is it obvious?"

Jin laughed lightly and patted his back.

"You haven't been so worried for a long time.So it wasn't hard to guess."

Jungkook turned a bit to face Jin,his eyes pleading him.

"Hyung,please talk to him tomorrow.Try to convince him so he wouldn't do anything stupid.If he run away,I-I don't know what to do.I will never hurt him,but I'm not sure if Jeongguk feels the same as me."

Jin smiled and hugged the younger before looking him in the eyes to show him he will do that.

"Don't worry kook.I will talk to him.And I'm sure he won't do anything."

"Why so sure?"

Jin smiled again,but this time...it was a sad smile,which too many words were hiding behind it.
However,he didn't say any of them.

"Because I know him..."

(End of falshback)
"Wait,why are you being kind to me?"

Taehyung's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
He looked at Taehyung who frowned and waited for a good answer.

"I don't know.You look like a good and...innocent person.So I have an urge to help you."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and searched Jin's face for any sign of lying.But all he could see was a strange look in his eyes.
Like a mixture of sadness and happiness.

"Will you promise me?"

Taehyung sighed and nodded.
Jin smiled and took Taehyung's hand in his and both of them stepped out of the room.
(Taehyung's P.O.V)

Jin was cooking breakfast while I was sitting on the chair near the counter when suddenly a loud shout was heard from upstairs.

"I'll Kill You!"

Jin was shocked by the voice so he came over and stood next to me.
Then we saw a running Jungkook and a red-haired Jeongguk,chasing kook downstairs.

"You got to the point that you put paint in my shampoo?!"

Just by looking at Jeongguk's furious expression and his red hair while he was chasing a happy Jungkook who was laughing,both of us got the point and brust out laughing!
He seemed both cute and attrective at the same time.

When they heard us,they stopped their actions to look at us surprised.
They both had their hand on each other's collars and their fists in the air.

When I felt their gaze on me,I quickly stopped laughing,lowering my head to hide my red cheeks from the sudden attention.


I apologized with a low voice,not daring to look up.
I thought they were angry so I was waiting for something bad to happen because I laughed at them.
A minute passed like that,but nothing happened.
I slightly looked up...
They were still in their previous position,haven't moved even a single bit.
Jin coughed,ruining the awkward moment.
The twins shared a look with each other,finally letting go of one another.

"Come and fix this!"

Jeongguk pointed to his hair and went upstairs.
Jungkook glanced at me for the last time before following his brother.
I turned towards Jin who had an unreadable expression.

"Did they got mad at me?"

He looked at me like he was searching for something in me.

"I don't think so."

He went over and kept cooking.
I glanced at the stairs like the twins were still standing there,curious about what just happened.


I feel like this chapter is too emotional.
Please leave some comments if it was over emotional.
Thanks for reading!
(OMG it's 1000 words!)


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