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The black leather chair rotated and exposed a really...hot guy!
He was in a black suit which fitted his black hair that a few strands of them were covering his eyes.
OMG,he's so ho-...wait,what am I thinking?!
I'm supposed to be afraid,screaming and...no that's too much.
But heyyy,I've gotten stuck in a room with a hot guy!

"Hello there..."

Ok,maybe two guys...!

I watched as a man,exactly the same look as the other one but with a lighter hair color,came out of the shadows and stepped beside the black hair male.

"So...let me guess.Jeon twins,right?"

They both gave me a smirk and I won't lie,those sent shivers down my spine!

"Ok,so...hello,I guess?"

Why.am I.talking?!
Shut your mouth Taehyung!
The one with lighter hair color started speaking.

"You thought that you could come here,take the documents and go this much easily?"


"Hmm...I wondar what Jimin is going to do when he finds out that we have you."

I put my shoulders up:
"Nothing?I'm not sure if he even cares about me."

He chuckled and stepped closer to me.

"You can't fool us like that.we know what's between you and that ugly person."

I took a deep breath,trying really hard to prevent myself from attacking him right away.
I spoke with a cold tone.

"What do you want from me?"

He playfully told me:
"You're going to be our guest for a few days.I mean,if Jimin can give us what we want in a few days."

"He won't give anything to you."

This time,the black haired male stood up and walked towards me.I didn't back away because I didn't want them to see me as a weak person.

"Of course he will.And if he doesn't,or he does anything wrong,then..."

It was no space between the two of us.He bent over me and whispered in a very cold and thick voice:

"Then you are going to pay for it."

With that ,he backed away and called his men.
They came in the room and grabbed my arms.

The black haired one smirked and told his men to show me my room.
They took me to a small room and threw me there,locking the door.

Everyghing is just great.
(Author's P.O.V)

Taemin knocked on the door and went in when he got the permission.
He put the documents on the table.
Jimin sighed after looking at them when he got sure that it was the right one.

Then he noticed something...

"Where is Taehyung?"

Taemin was sure that he's going to ask that question.So he somehow prepared himself.

"Jeons got him."

And one minute later,everything in the room was broken and destroyed.


Taemin answered calmly.
"It seems like we had a spy.They knew we were going there,so they were ready to trap us."

Jimin shouted with all his might.

"Find that person and bring him to me!"

Taemin nodded and got out before Jimin could kill him.

Jimin was breathing heavily,his fists on each side if his body,clenching and unclenching.
Suddenly,his phone's rings filled the room.
He picked it up,already knowing who it was.

"Hey hyung,How are you?"

Jimin took a shaky breath in,then spoke with a very cold tone.

"Do not call me that!"

Jungkook was speaking with a playful tone.And that was going on Jimin's nerves the most.

"I'm hurt Jimin,you used to be so kind to me,didn't you...brother?"

Jimin lost all his patience by that only word.


"Why not?We are brothers after all.You have to accept that.Or maybe you have forgotten everything?"

"No,and I'm sure you didn't forget that what I am capable of,did you,brother?"
He smirked when he heard a groan and Jungkook's tone changing into a more serious one.

"You know that playing with someone is dangerous while that person has something that is important for you."

"What do you want?"

"I want what is for us."

Jimin frowned,confused.

"What do you mean?"

"There are two things that belong to us right now.First,those documents that I'm sure they're on the floor now."

Jimin looked at the papers that were all over the room and closed his eyes,controling his anger.

"Second one,I think you already know what it is..."

He didn't have to think twice to know what he meant.

"Keep dreaming you fucker!I won't let you have him!!"

He shouted and pressed the phone in his hand.
There was no way that he would let them to have Taehyung.No one could have what is his!

"You have no choice bro...I'm sure you don't want him to know the truch."

Jimin froze...
He completely forgot about that...!
He continued with a lower tone.

"He wouldn't believe you..."

"Are you sure?Because if you're not,we can try.But don't blame me if he doesn't imagine you as his hero anymore."

Jimin didn't say anything,so jungkook continued.

" 'til next week Jimin.If you don't give us what we want,I will no longer prevent jeongguk to not tell Taehyung the truth."

He hung up the phone,leaving a confused Jimin in a complete silence...


I hope it was better than the last chapter.I'm trying to improve my writing.(If it got better...)


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