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Before we start this chapter,I want to thank everyone for reading this story and supporting me by voting and commenting.

(Author's P.O.V)

Taehyung had been drifting off to sleep constantly but they still had two hours ahead. With a sigh, he stood up but his hand was caught by Hoseok who was sitting beside him.

"Where are you going?"

Taehyung yawned and rubbed his eyes.


Hoseok nodded and let go of his hand. Taehyung walked to the back of the plane and by finding the rest room, he went in but forgot to lock the door.

He lowered his head to wash his face and by straightening back, he gasped and his heart skipped a beat when he saw Jungkook's face reflect in the mirror.

"You scared me! What the hell, Kook?"

Jungkook laughed lowly and came closer. The room wasn't that big so their bodies were close. Too close!


Jungkook attached his body to Taehyung's fragile one without paying attention to his efforts for making some space.



Kook murmured near his ear which made the boy shiver in both excitment and fear. He knew where this was going but couldn't help himslef. All he could do when Jungkook would press his lower part on Taehyung, was to groan or make little, helpless noises.

Jungkook knew this and he was enjoying the scene so much. Watching Taehyung shiver and try to stop those noises from coming out but failing every time, was making him lose control.

But suddenly, he stopped all his movements and backed away from Taehyung.
Taehyung was in a daze. He slowly turned his head around and stared at Jungkook. His mind was still cloudy and he couldn't form words properly.


Kook chuckled and Taehyung shivered by his deep and dark voice.

"I won't do anything until you are ready."

He stepped out of the room like nothing had happened. Taehyung was standing there while trying to process everything that was happening. Of course, if he had seen the devilish smirk on Jungkook's face, he could've killed him.


(Three hours later)

After the long trip, they went straight to the hotel which was one of Jeon's property. Taehyung rushed to his room and started unpacking. He didn't know the reason, but he was extremly excited. Maybe the reason was the fact that it was his first time of traveling to a foreign country.

When he finished, he went out and saw Jin, as usual, in the kitchen.
The room was big. It seemed almost like a house. Each of them had their own bedrooms.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

Jin answered him with a smile.

"Making dinner."

"Um, do you know where are Kook and Gguk?"

Jin paused for a second before answering "They had some works to do so they went out."

He nodded and started thinking about all the things that had happened until then while he was walking to his room again. He was deep in thought and didn't look up when he opend the door. But when he did, he saw a scene that he knew it was going to be his nightmare for a while...!

Hoseok and Suga stopped kissing each other and looked at a blushing Taehyung.
Hoseok felt very akward but Suga stared at Tae with his poker face.

"H-hey, Taehyung. Are you...looking for something?"

Hoseok wanted to face palm himself. What was with that stupid question?

"Uh...s-sorry hyungs...wrong door, heh."

He shut the door and ran to his room, which was next to their room, as fast as he could. He shut the door and stared blankly at the wall while leaning on the door.

"They are...Oh mY GOd!"

He wasn't disgusted or something, but he couldn't have imagined Suga hyung being in a relationship with someone, specially with Hoseok! But they looked good together, so Taehyung shipped them already.

A knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts. He opened the door and faced Jeongguk.

"Gguk! When did you come back?"

Jeongguk had always been good at keeping his cool and looking unfazed, so Tae had a right to be surprised when he saw him a bit nervous.

"Gguki? Is something wrong?"

Jeongguk cleared his throat.

"At 10 O'clock, Come to the rooftop."

He said it fast and walked away. Taehyung followed him with his eyes and founf himself dazed by the twins for the second time that day. First Jungkook-...uhm...then the mysterious Jeongguk.

"Seriously, what's up with them and being weird?"

Hours passed and Taehyung was getting nervous moreover excited by each passing minute. He didn't have any idea about why the twins wanted him to be on the rooftop at 10, but he knew something was going to happen. He could feel it...

By the sound of the clock, he couldn't keep his cool anymore so he walked fast out of the room and made his way up to the rooftop. Slowly,he opened the door and stepped into the darkness of the night.He couldn't see much, but the lights of the city were helping him a bit.

He blindly walked to the center and just right then, lights were turned on. And he couldn't believe his eyes anymore!


So,what do you think?What's going on?


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