Abandoned Trust

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So easy to break
So easy to tear
But no one could really care
About the other's sake

Hard to find (and)
Hard to keep
Hard to love (the idea)
Hard to let it seep (in)

How can I trust another one
I can tell if I can or not
If I am or not
How far will I go to tell someone
To release this pain I feel

Don't hide the pain
The secrets
Don't act like you're sane
And that everything is fine

Cause soon it'll all year apart the same way it began, with simple words (which now seem meaningless)

You beat yourself up knowing all along
That it was never true
You beat yourself up that you said "so long"
To that so called friend

But you also said goodbye
To trust
You realize a little of you died
Along you your friendship

They smile and think it's nothing
In fact they don't even know
You tell them it's nothing when they know it's something (but they shrug it off anyways)
And you think, how can anyone stoop so low

Something in the future someone asks for trust and your memories come rushing in along with pain

You want to say yes but can't
Fear crawling in, taking over
Soon it becomes a chant
And you realize you'll never be sober
(From the numbing pain of your heart break)

They don't understand
They never do

Lies in every word
Truth in every tone
Feels like a caged bird (thinking it's free)
Feels like a dog chasing a stick (that's never been thrown)

Feeling tricked
Feeling ticked

You sir or mam have changed my life
And not in a good way
You've made me contain my strife
Keeping my feelings at bay

But I want to thank you
For its helped me see who my friends are
But I hate it too
For many of my friendships have come to an end (bitterly because of you)

And they still blame me
For not telling them
For keeping my secret (wanting to be safe)
And not trusting them

When someone trusts you it's like holding their lives in your hands
A life so fragile and easy to kill

Blood boiling
Faces red
Plans foiling/uncoiling
Wanting to be dead (when everyone finds out)

Not knowing the difference between right and wrong
Not knowing who's real and who's fake
Knowing it won't be long
Until they think it's theirs to take

Day and night I think about you
About that day
The day you betrayed
Trust which is given to few

Panic kept on the inside
Smiles shown on the outside
Not showing our sinful side
Trying to look on the upside

You may think I'm over reacting
But just wait and see and you'll find out that you'll never be the same (as you were ten seconds again)

Everyone thinks it's a game
They don't see I'm mad
Everyone thinks I'm the same
They don't see how much I've been sad

Lost all respect
Lost all hope
No time to (reflect on your mistakes)
Trying to move on and cope

You stride along
Thinking nothing is out of place
Nothing is wrong
Even when you see the tears on my face

Are you even real
Are you even there
Thinking my heat is yours to steal
Thinking that I wouldn't even care

But you know what I do
I care because I'm human
Which seems to only exist among few
So heed my words

Never break an oath
Never tell a secret
If you Lear to keep it
Then trust will be kept by both

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