No More

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"Dear children, let us not love with words of tongue but with action and in truth." 1 John 3:18o

Here I have mistaken
Up until now I've been blinded
By the very thing
I hold dear

And to think
I call myself
A writer

An artist
A poet

I thought all day
About him
About his

These words
The words
I wanted to hear
So desperately
That I forgot
How he said it

I made him say it
Kinder in my
When he in reality
    He was rough

He relied with words
And that's where
He failed

He replied with
"Everything will be okay"
He doesn't back them up

He not only broke his promise
But also broke my heart

I was so caught up
On words
I forgot what he
Was doing

How he was breaking
Me bit by bit
How he goes in the
Other direction
And plays it off
Like a game

He played me
Like the fool I am

But no more!

I can't stand it
Any longer

No more
Broken promises
No more
Empty words

No more
I love you's or
I would never hurt you
No more promises
You can't keep

Telling me I was more
Then worth it
And I shouldnt worry about
The little things

That you'd always
By there

But No more
Heart breaks

But then again
Those and just words
That'll never
Be true

So here I say
I'm sorry if I'm
Being dramatic
Guess that's just
Who I am

You said one day
But it's never

And if it were
You'd still be gone

Away from me

So I guess
I should say goodbye
Before I get hurt

I see now
I have played myself
He used to be fine
Though I could never tell

I guess I thought
Maybe he'd come back
Like the optimist I was
But no more

No more tricks
No more lies
I'm so sorry
I wasn't good enough for you
I'm so sorry I wasn't worth your time

You were once my
Best friend
My future
My everything
I trusted you with
My past
Now I see you nothing
More then who you are

A liar
A cheat
A conman
A player
Telling me lies
I was willing to
So I don't lose

I was so scared
To let go

But now I'm not
Cause I found light
In myself

So no more
No more you
No more
Please leave

I left this poem here for awhile

This was once meant
For someone else

It was originally made
For someone I was mad with
Then it was made for someone
Who broke my heart
And now I see
I am to blame as well
Because just like them
I fell

I never wanted them to leave
I wanted them back
But if we stay
It'll only cause more pain

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