Down the Cliff

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So many times
I've failed
So many times
I've cried

I can't seem
To breath
I can't seem
To have space
I can't seem
To speak

My words mean
Unless everyone in the
World is deaf

Cause no matter
How loud I speak
My word seems
Less than others

I'm getting
As all the expectations
Suffocate me

I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
I'm trying as hard
As I can
To hold on
And not fall
Down the cliff

I'm just an ant
Compared to the
Giants everyone is

The words that
They use to use to define me
Are said to be

That sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words can never
Hurt me

Well words do hurt
And they're making me
They're making me

Not all words are bad
I'm not saying that

Some words save
Some words can move
And change the world
Can change a person

So I'm not saying
All words are bad

They're my profession
My hobby
My life
And means of communication

Just that without
The wrong person
They become a weapon

Someone who can
Control minds
And persuade
Victims info believing
False truths
Is just the scary truth
Of today's world

I'm sorry for trying
So hard to leave behind
What you expect of me
I'm sorry for breaking
The mold you've created

But I'm tired of being
I'm sick of being looked
Down upon
I'm disgusted by your
Definition of me

True I may still
Be holding on for dear
As I struggle to get up
From this cliff

As I continue
To fail
To cry
To embarrass
And to trip over

I may be a small ant
To you
As you continue
To knock me down

You are the victor
For this round
And maybe the next

But I'm still hanging on

You can suffocate me
And hold me down
As your words begin to
Clutter my mind
And I hoard every
Word spoken of me

But I will
Still hold onto
That ledge
And I will get up
And stand on two feet
Cause I'm not giving in

You'll hurt me
But you won't kill me

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