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If my life was a story

And I had to be the hero

If it really had to be mandatory

My own shadows would have to be the ones

to gives me zeros

She has crept behind stage

For two or more years

And has adapted with age

By seeking out all my fears

Adventure is out there

But adventure is unknown

How can one complete a dare

If one is afraid of their own tombstone

She whispers in the night

Letting you know she's always there

Claiming she doesn't bite

Even though you intruded in her lair

She is me

And i am her

She tells me to flee

with a voice care

She's the voices that tell you to run

She's the person you can count on

She asks, why don't you ever have fun?!

When she's the reason you've been withdrawn

She drowns you in pools

That you know doesn't exist

And makes up her own rules

And pushes down your fists

She blends in with the night

And gives you a fright

Just run away and hide

Count to ten

Take it off your mind

And try again


Just keep breathing

She's right behind you

Wanting to be there

In you doubt

It'll only last for a few minutes

She'll leave

Even she has her limits

And run out of tricks in her sleeve


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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