Everything happems for a reason

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Everything happens
For a reason

For better
Or worse
To build us up
Or break us down

It just depends
On you



No matter what
Stay on your good side
No what if's or but's
Don't give up and try
To hide

Life will he harder
Trials will come
Passing just depends
On you

So be strong
And take heart
For the journey may seem long
But I promise you won't fall apart

The situation may be hard
The pain may be true
But know up your sleeve is a card
That's given to few

With a strong heart
And a faithful person

That believes
Everything happens for a reason

Though the world
May seem against you
Take flight
And smile

For you have conquered
You have conquered
And all other obstacles in your way

Never give in
Everything will be fine
You'll be new
And say you flew
With this trick of mine
And you didn't let them win

Things will get better
Everything will change

Just stay positive
Keep your head held high
And never be get pulled down
By those willing to just lie
And say they flew
When they never did

Cause everything happens for a reason
Leading you up to the big question
"Will it build or break me?"
So yeah not my best poem. Sorry if it's short and not my best. It was one of those "I had a moment but I lost it and it's not coming back." Also sorry for being gone so long. High School started today and summer was just busy. I'll try to write more when I can.

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