Better to win

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Is when my teacher
Talks down to me
Like I don't understand
As if I'm new to the world
And I have nothing to give

When someone says something
And you wish you knew
The answer
But you don't
And people laugh at you
Or look at you and think
Wow, at least I'm not
Stupid like her

Is when I can't move
When I'm looked at as small
And hopeless
When people throw
Their worst at me
And I can't even pick myself up

When theres always that person
That beats you up
Weather it's physically
Or with words
Maybe even a glance
And you fail
At coming back with a punch

When I have nothing to give
And everyone just keeps
I have nothing
I'm nothing special
I've got no talent

There are plenty of people
In the world that can give
But I can never give back

They're talented
I'm not

Is when you're last
Picked for a team
Or when you're left out
Or ignored

You begin to feel selfish
For craving them to
Even just look and smile at you
But you just knew

They're running late
They're too busy
Or they're just fed up

Is when you can't
Get up anymore
When you have to
Lay there on the floor
Not even bothering trying
To mend back the pieces

Not even trying
To hold back the tears

Is when you're all
And you know it

When you're losing the race
And there's nothing you can do
The odds are against you

It's so easy to just
Give up and be defeated

But it's better to

Is when you hold back
A smile
Knowing you can do better
When people call you
You just laugh
Cause they're the ones
Who everyone is judging

When they think you're
And dumb
But you know you can do better

Is when you prove to
Just how weak you are
Just how hard you can hit
How hard you can
Fight back

When you pick yourself up
And meet them face to face
And make them swallow their words

Worth while
Is when I surprise you
With something I love
With something you didn't
Even think was possible

When I'm finally giving back

Is when I prove them wrong
By working hard
By making them
Remember my name
And why I'm the best
At what I do

When I get the nerve
And talk to them first
And they talk back
With sincerity

Is when you fall down
But get back up
When you cry
From so much laughter
And the only pain you feel
Is from smiling too much

When you finally are loved
By someone you love

Is when the odds are
Against you
And you win
When everyone finally
Sees who you are
And you got back in the race

And get first place

It's so easy to just
Give up and be defeated

But it's better to

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