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This poem is about my religion and I am not ashamed of it. I don't mean to offend anyone if I do. Just thought you should know what it's like to see things in the eyes of a Christian.

The warmth of sin
Is like being engulfed
By the ocean

We're so use the the view
And the not knowing what's ahead
It's become

And at times we don't want
To go up to the air
We'd rather suffocate in the ocean
Then go up to a world unknown

But to a Christian
We know the view of the world
And we know what it is like to breathe fresh clean air
As we feel the rock underneath our feet

As we walk upon the Earth
Alongside our God
We feel like nothing can part us
And that we will forever never go back to the waters

But nobody is perfect

Sometimes we dip our toes
Into the water
Because we miss it

We miss the mystery
We miss the warmth
We miss what has become a habit

And after toe dipping
Comes dive ins
Then late night our

Hoping God doesn't see us
But He does

And when He catches us
We feel ashamed
Like any child does with a father

But God still loves us
And He wants us to come back
Out of the water
To see the world
And not just the same view of water

Everything becomes a war

Between the vast body of water we once knew
Or a loving Father who came give us warmth

Not the fake happiness
Or promise Satan has given us
But the real love

The love of a father who wants us to explore

To drop our past sins behind
And move forward with open minds

We are not puppet of the Devil
We are the children of God

And we will never be
But we have something better
We have

Temptation can no longer
Rule over us
Pride can no longer
Stand tall
And no amount of crime can keep
Us away from
Our love
Our home
Our peace
Our strength
Our redeemer
Our savior
Our Friend
Our truth
Our father
Our God

No matter what the world
Throws our way
God will pull us out of the waters
And takes us home

We will not drown
In the lies of this world
Because we know it will not stand

As people
As ordinary human beings
Are temporary
This world
That we live in
Will be gone

And the ocean
Our prison of sin
Will be gone as well

And that comfort will be replaced
By fire
As screams
And wails
And cries for help
Echo throughout Hell

And they yell
"God why aren't you helping me? Friend, why have you forsaken me?!"
But we have tried

We have tried
But they refused as we try
To so them the world
Of truth
And not the comfort
Of lies

God has sent us to save the damned
But we are scared sometimes
Of this world's

If only the stepped foot on the shore
And see what it's like to breath
And not die from the lack of oxygen

If only we as a whole
Can all see the view of the World

God loves us
God loves me
God loves you

No matter what we have done

Drop our sins
And give them to Him
For He will carry our burdens
And save us from dying
In chains

Some have refused
For their jails have become home
Some have handed our link by link
No ready to give up the journey of what they think is good
While some drop everything
To see God

All that matters is that you get out of the ocean and be with God

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