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Everyone just watched Danny and Rudy do the scene. All of them. All their co-stars, new friends, everyone.

"Well shit." Danny said. "I'm gonna go.." She trailed off. Danny got up and began walking as fast as her little legs could carry her.

Rudy got up and walked over to the cast. They all where still in shock at what they just witnessed.

Chase cleared his throat to try and get rid of some tension. "Austin and I where about to go get something to eat, uh do you wanna come with?" He asked.

"No, I-I'm fine." Rudy said. "Danny might wanna go." 

"I'll go follow her." Austin said. The boy began to chase after the girl finally catching up to her.

"Slow down tiger." He said.

"Well sorry Mr. Turtle." She joked.

"Me and Chase are going to go out and get some food, any chance you want to come?" He asked.

"Will there be alcohol?" She asked.

"No your underage." He winked.

Everyone decided that she would be the baby of the group. Mainly because of her height, but also because of the way Rudy treated her. He protected her. That made the cast more cautious and carful with her. Although she is not underage, her height made her look it. She just played along.

"Then you bet your ass I'm coming. Will you come with me back to set so I can get that dress, I wanna wear it to wherever we are going." Danny said. 

"Of course." Austin said and the two turned around and made their way back to set. She put the dress back on then they ran over to Chase and got into his car.

It had been a few hours and Austin and Danny where to drunk to function. Chase stayed sobber wanting to remember this night. Danny was dancing her ass off with Austin, who danced like a dying duck. 

Danny's favorite party song came on and she climbed up onto a table. Nobody wanted her to get down because they wanted a show. This song was a nasty song and she was getting a little hot up on the table. 

"Is it hot in here?" She asked. She pealed off her dress leaving her in a thong and black lace bra. Chase immediately ran over to her and begged her to get down.

"Danny please, for the love of God, get down and put your dress on." He begged.

"Fuck no, you bitch ass toe, yeah I called you a toe." She giggled drunkenly. 

"That's it I'm calling Rudy." Chase said giving up.

"Bro, you gotta get to the bar right now, I don't have time to explain. I'll send your the address just get your ass over here. Bring Drew!" Chase yelled over the loud music into his phone then hung up. 

"DD, please put your dress on." Chase began begging again.

"No it's hot as balls here. I'm sweating my balls off." She complained. 

Chase decided to let her stay up on the table. Rudy and Drew came bursting into the bar and immediately spotted Danny.

"You get Austin, Chase and I will take care off her." Rudy demanded making his way over to Danny.

"Hey Danny, I'm gonna need you to get down now." Rudy spoke calmly.

"Why, it's fun." She giggled.

Rudy sighed and grabbed her thighs bringing her to a sitting position on the table. "Put this on." He handed her the dress she had been wearing.

"No thanks." She simply declined.

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