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TW: slight mentions of not eating

Rudy was driving the car completely focused on the road. Danny on the other hand was doing anything and everything to keep distracted.

"Nervous?" They both asked simultaneously, then the both of them laughed.

"Look, if it's that awkward the entire time we can just forget about it." Rudy offered his suggestion.

"I mean we could, I've just wanted this for so long, you know?" Danny questioned.

"Yeah, I do. My brothers told me to just let it go. I didn't want to." Rudy chuckled.

"My mom was always like, it'll ruin your friendship and that shit. Like maybe it will but i'm okay with that because that means we at least tried." Danny said mindlessly.

Rudy smiled looking over at her. He loved her.

"Where are we even going?" Danny laughed, turning to look at Rudy.

"Two places, one is a place that I found with really cool swings, and the other is a surprise." Rudy said with a smug grin on his face.

For some weird reason Danny really liked swinging. It made her feel free. Like she could fly almost.

"I love swings." Danny smiled over at him.

"I know you do, that's exactly why I found some." Rudy smiled at the small girl.

"Can you pretty please tell me the second place?" Danny whined

"Not a chance." Rudy smiled goofily at her. She loved that smile.

"Be that way then." Danny fake pouted.

Being an actress meant that she could switch emotions really fast, with that she was also able to make different faces and make people believe her emotions. She absolutely loved it.

"Stop fake pouting. I'm not that dumb." Rudy laughed while parking the car at the swings.

Danny immediately opened the door but Rudy yelled for her to close it. He ran over to her side and opened it for her.

"Doors are not for girls, we've been over this DD." Rudy said to her.

"You and chivalry." Danny laughed getting out of the car.

"Chivalry will never die." Rudy said triumphantly, while closing the door.

He took her hand into his, hoping it would not be weird to do on their first date. She lightly squeezed his hand as they walked over to the swing.

Swings probably aren't the ideal first date, but they were very special to Danny.

When she was swinging she felt free, like she was on top of the world. Rudy knew this and always remembered it.

"C'mon." Danny smiled at the tall, messy blonde-headed masterpiece in front of her. He sat on the swing and watched as she got higher and higher in the air.

He loves watching her smile as she went soaring through the air. Her smile was contagious.


"Okay, okay, I'll tell you!" Rudy laughed as he drove to their next location.

"Well spit it out!" She yelled at the boy. She hated surprises. It made her anxious.

"We are going to make a campfire on the beach." Rudy told her with a smile.

"Really!" She almost squealed.

Both of their families had a campfire on the beach one time and she absolutely loved it. Danny always wanted to do another one, but they didn't have the time.

"Yes! I have a bag of marshmallows and chocolate and graham crackers in the trunk. Some blankets and sticks too." Rudy said, getting excited.

"We only need one blanket." Danny said shyly.

"Oh do you now princess." Rudy looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut up." She giggled pushing his head away.

"Let's go make marshmallows." He said getting out of the car. He went to open her door but he was already there to open it for her.

"Thank you kind sir." Danny said in a British accent.

"It is my pleasure madam." He bowed.

They grabbed everything from the trunk and Rudy started the fire. Danny walked around grabbing big rocks for the rim of the fire. She places them around it gently and sits next to Rudy.

"Wanna roast one?" He asked her. At that moment she forgot about how she didn't want to eat. 

"Yes, I'm starving." She said grabbing a marshmallow and a stick. She set it up and put it over the fire. She lit it on fire then blew it out.

Thankfully Rudy made her a graham cracker and piece of chocolate already. She plopped on the marshmallow, laid back and ate her delicious treat.

"You like that goofball." Rudy laughed as he watched her enjoy the sweet treat.

"Oh my fucking God it's so good!" She yelled. Rudy laughed as he turned on music for them to listen to. Danny got up and grabbed his hand so they could dance together.

They laughed as they danced. Rudy spun her around and she attempted to spin him.

"You're the best." Rudy smiled looking down at her. Danny just blushed looking away.

They continued talking for a very long time until they got to the most random topics.

"Bloody Sunday!" Danny sang in a British accent. Her voice was angelic. "Can't you imagine a British person singing that with a guitar?" She almost yelled

"I can." Rudy laughed at how silly she was being.

They laid in the blankets all cuddled up together.

"These blankets are really soft." Danny gushed melting into them.

The fire was dying down by now, it must've been pretty late at night.

"I know, I stole them from your apartment." Rudy laughed sleepily. "We should probably head back now." He yawned while sitting up.

"Probably." Danny sighed half asleep. 

Rudy let her stay there as he put out the fire and put everything in the car. When he came back Danny was sound asleep on a blanket.

He effortlessly picked her up and brought her to the car. He buckled her up and started driving home.

Then he brought her up to his and Chase's apartment. He laid her down in his bed and got changed. Rudy walked into the kitchen to grab some water. 

"Did you have fun?" Chase asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah we did actually." Rudy smiled thinking about the night they had.

"How'd it go?" Chase asked another question but more serious this time, which was not very often for Chase.

"It was good. She loves the swings, but she loves the fire more. She ate so many s'mores." Rudy laughed slightly. Chase smiled at his friend.

"You really like her don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I really, really do." Rudy smiled, unable to stop thinking about her.

"Go to bed loverboy, she's waiting." Chase dismissed him. Rudy practically ran back to his room and curled up in bed with Danny.

"Thank you, Rudes." She turned over to cuddle him.

"Your welcome Danny." He kissed her head.

"Goodnight." She sighed almost asleep.

"Goodnight love bug." He kissed her head again.

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