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Danny woke up with a slight headache. It actually wasn't that bad for the amount of alcohol she consumed last night.

She also had arms around her waist. Who the hell was she sleeping with?

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself looking around the room. She felt a pair of strong muscular arms wrapped around her and fluffy hair on her forehead. Danny instantly felt safe.

"You up?" A very groggy voice said. Rudy's morning voice was the reason Danny woke up in the morning.

"Yeah." Danny smiled, turning over and continuing to smile up at the boy with messy blonde hair flopped all over his face.

"Still wanna go on that date?" He asked Danny in the same voice. It was hard to concentrate with him talking to her like that. She probably spaced out for a little bit.

"Of course I do. I've wanted to go on a date with you since I was twelve." She smiled up at him. He kissed her forehead, smiling down at her.

She didn't want this to end.

"I wish we could stay like this all day." Rudy whispered to her. He took the words right out of his head. Could she read her mind? No that's stupid.

"That's what I was thinking." She giggled, smiling at him.

"I'm a mind reader." He said moving his fingers around like a magician about to perform a trick.

"As soon as we walk out of here Chase is going to bully us, you know that right?" Danny asked.

"We didn't even do anything weird. We just fell asleep. There is absolutely positively no reason Chase should be making fun of us. We didn't do anything!" Rudy said while sitting up rubbing his face.

"Maybe he isn't up?" Danny questioned but she knew she was wrong to think that.

"He's always up. That man child never goddamn sleeps." Rudy laughed falling back into the bed.

"It doesn't matter, nothing happened anyways." Danny shrugged. For some reason she wished something did happen. Not that she wanted to have sex with him, well she did, she just wished something more happened.

"Let's go watch a movie and try and get rid of our hangovers?" Rudy asked the girl, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes please." They both got out of his bed and made their way to the bathroom getting something for their heads. Chase surprisingly wasn't awake yet so they didn't have anything to worry about.

They turned on a movie but just talked the entire time. The both of them immediately stopped when they heard a door open. They looked over and saw Chase.

"Oh, hey guys." He smiled nervously at them. Danny noticed how he kept himself in the doorway, maybe attempting to block something, or someone?

"Whatcha hiding behind their big man?" Rudy raised an eyebrow at him in a questioning way.

"Oh nothing." He waved his hand in front of him.

"Are they up?" A voice came from the room.

"Chase, who is in that room with you!" Danny yelled running over to him trying to get through the door.

"Nobody!" He yelled.

"Don't you make me tickle you." She pointed a finger at the boy that was towering over her.

"You wouldn't." He said with a pointed look.

"I would." She said as she began tickling him, making him laugh. She got him away from the door so she ran in leaving him laughing on the floor.

"Madelyn! You naughty girl!" Danny yelled jokingly at her.

"Y'all do something?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive tone.

"I'll tell you later. Make sure Rudy doesn't tell anyone. It's kinda new for us." She smiled down at her hands.

"We will be talking later. But don't worry. I'll chat with him." Danny said leaving the room to go back to Rudy seeing that Mads wanted time with Chase.

As Danny walked to Rudy she grabbed Chase.

"You break her. I break you. Got that punk?" She asked to let Chase go. He stood wide eyed looking at Rudy for help, which Rudy did not give him.


"Maddie help me." Danny begged her friend down on her knees in front of the brown haired girl.

Madison just scoffed. "C'mon get off the dirty ass floor. Let's go little girl." She laughed at the petite girl. They both ran to her room.

"Do you know where you're even going?" Madison asked. She had outfits placed out for every scenario.

"He told me that he's had it planned out for a really long time. That's all I know." Danny groaned, flopping down onto her bed.

"Ugh. I hate him sometimes. Let's just go with...this one!" Bailey said picking up a casual but cute outfit.

"Thank you Bails!" Danny exclaimed, hugging her friend. She quickly ran to her bathroom and put the outfit on while looking in the mirror.

She liked what she saw. The way the clothes perfectly complemented her body. How they hugged every curve in just the right way.

"He's going to drop dead Danny." Bailey laughed walking into the bathroom.

"I hope not, I would like to go out with him." Danny joked.

"Want me to do your makeup?" Madison asked eagerly with excitement evident in her face.

"Of course you can." And that's what they did. Madison loved playing around with makeup and different hairstyles and clothes. Danny was usually her guinea pig.

"Can I tell you something?" Bailey asked while she curled Danny's hair.

"My ears are wide open." Danny responded. She could tell Madison was nervous to talk.

"Hey, I won't judge you whatever it is, unless you think you are part unicorn. I won't tell anyone Maddie, I promise." Danny looked at the girl through the mirror.

"I-i'm pansexual. Please don't freak out on me. There's this girl that I've been talking to a little bit and I really like her." Madison blushed talking about the girl.

"I fully support you. I always thought you were either bi or pan. I love you just the same though." Danny smiled at the girl. She could see the weight lifted off of her.


"He said he's coming up the stairs." Danny squealed, but then stopped realizing how weird she was being. "Just slap me." She laughed at herself.

"It's okay!" Madison laughed at me. "It's just Rudy, if you need me to come get you I will be okay? Just try And have fun, relax, and for the love of God please get him to marry you." She continued to laugh.

She was right, all I had to do was relax. It's just Rudy.

A/n: do y'all want a first date??? Or time skip???

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