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A/n: over the past month I've been loosing my passion for writing. I got a bf and it honestly feels weird when I read books now. It makes me feel off and I don't want to feel like that, I don't like the feeling. 

I will try to get the last chapters I have prewritten chapters out for you guys, but once there all out I'm all done for a while. I will come back eventually because Danny's story is far from over. I just need a break to focus on myself and my life and the people in it.

I hope you all understand, and if you have any other questions just reach out<3


hey, I guess I'll see you in a few

my friend just woke me up lol


I promise I'm nice


Danny arrived at a small coffee shop. Apparently Rudy set everything up for they. She still didn't know why she was meeting a stranger that she's never heard of.

She had no time to try and figure out who he was because Rudy being the dumb ass he is, woke her up a half hour before she had to go.

All she had to do was sit at a table, and 'Logan' or whoever it was would find her. In her opinion that part was really weird, how he knew what she looked like.

But, sure enough a boy did walk in the door. He looked like a teenager and fit the short description Rudy have her.

She smiled over at him and he instantly smiled back and walked over to her.

"Hey." He said letting out a breath. "I'm Logan." He finished holding his hand out her her to shake. Danny grabbed it and shook it while telling him her name.

"So how do I know you?" She asked laughing nervously.

"Well we've never actually met, but I'm we are sort of related." He confessed holding his head up with his hand.

"Wait whats your last name?" Danny asked the younger boy.

"Carson. But I'm nothing like him. I left him as soon as I could I promise." Logan scrambled to get the words out of his mouth before she got frightened and left.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. How? What!" Danny said while her jaw almost literally dropped.

"Well he told me, when I got older of course, that he met my mom while he was married to yours. I know that's probably not the best way to say it and I'm sorry it came out that way." He apologized quickly.

Danny say their going wide eyed. She didn't came that bastard cheated on her mom all she cared was that Logan never got... hurt.

"It's okay, I could care less about that ass hole. Did he ever.. you know?" She started to trail off.

"Only a few times, but my mom got in front of me and kinda kicked him out." Logan told Danny. "What about you?" He asked.

"Well- actually there's no way to sugar coat this, yes. Yes he did. But let's not talk about that." She laughed to try and change the subject. "So tell me about yourself Logan." She smiled at him.

"I'm going to college here actually. USC. I really like it there. I'm studying fashion. Like the history, designing, all that good stuff. I um sort of have a daughter, but um my aunt watches her a lot." Logan tells Danny. She instantly smiled hearing about the little girl.

"What's her name!" Danny asked almost jumping out of her seat.

"Hazel Grace Carson. She's three." Logan smiled sheepishly.

"How old are you?" Danny asked the boy.

"Uh nineteen." Logan said in a quiet voice.

"What happened to her mom if you don't mind me asking?" Danny continued to ask him questions.

"She left as soon as we got home from the hospital. My aunt has been helping me take care of Hazel forever. If I didn't have my aunt I'd be lost." Logan laughed to himself. "Tell me about you now. Like your job or college or like your life." He said intrigued in her life as well.

"Well, I'm not really supposed to say much about this but I'm on a Netflix show, that's why I'm here actually. It's going to be called Outerbanks. I didn't go to college, I've thought about taking online classes but I probably won't. I'm dating someone actually one of my co workers. He's been my neighbor sense we where born. We live next to each other so yeah." Danny huffed out.

She felt like she could trust the boy. His last name did make her a little skiddish at first but once he said he had a kid she felt safe. Even though she's never met him she felt a connection.

"Wait you act?" He asked excitedly almost falling out of his chair.

"I do! I really like it. It's like pretending to be someone I'm not and I can do anything I want. It's the most freedom I've had with any job." Danny laughed.

"I don't want to sound like a stalker or anything but I looked at your Instagram and I saw something about music?" Logan said with a puzzled face.

How could Danny fail to mention her music career. That was another one of her favorite things to do.

"Oh yes! I actually have a song or two coming out soon, I sent it to my manager the other day." Danny told him smiling widely.

They had to have talken for at least another hour before they where asked to leave. Danny promised him that they would get together soon.

It was also a good thing that they had to leave because she had a scene to film. She quickly drove to the set and started looking for everyone.

"Hello!" She yelled not seeing anyone. Had she gone to the wrong set? It was definitely something she would do, but she swore she was at the right one.

"Anyone gonna answer me or can I just go back to bed?" She chuckled. Her phone then started vibrating in her pocket.

It was texts saying to go back to her car. Why would she leave? She just got here.

"Well of it isn't Daniella. The biggest bitch of them all. How've you been sweety?" A scruffy voice asked from behind her. 

If she remembered correctly that was his voice. Mark. If she turned around she would shurly loose it.

"C'mon let me see your face doll." He grabbed her hair yanking her head towards him.

She let out a scream before his hand flew over her mouth.

"You ruined my life, now your going to pay." He said with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

In that moment she was scared for her life. All she could think about was being in the hospital. She couldn't move.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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