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a/n: so ik it's super early rn but before i forget to publish a chapter for halloween here it is! happy halloween!!!

In the final hours of being home Danny packed a backpack full of things her would need for music. She realized she should bring it because it was a good therapy for her.

She spent the rest of the time with the Pankow's and her parents. She didn't want to leave them all again, but the sooner things went back to normal the sooner she could start to feel okay again.

But all good things had to come to an end and now she was on a plane, miles high in the sky without a care in the world. Austin, Cline, and Chase where picking her and Rudy up from the airport. Apparently the others made a huge mess or something and needed to pick it up.

"How you doing?" Rudy asked.

"Pretty good actually, you?" She responded, but now questioned him.

"I'm okay, I'm just happy your okay." Rudy smile and kissed her lips. Danny's face instantly turned a shade of red. She tried turning away but Rudy pulled her back with a finger under her chin.

"Aww, she's blushing." Rudy said softly.

"And he's talking like a baby." Danny sassed.

Now it was Rudy's turn to look away.

"Not so fast mister." Danny grabbed his head and brought it close to her face.

"You mad?" She asked.

"I'm not a baby." He pouted folding his arms across him chest.

"I'm sorry bubs." She said softly. This time neither one of them where surprised with her saying bubs. Rudy pulled her head onto his shoulder as a result.

"Movie?" He asked.

"Yes!" Danny whisper yelled remembering they where on a plane.

Rudy set up a movie, gave her a headphone, and pressed play. In ten minutes both of them had fallen asleep. Rudy's head was resting on Danny's, while his hand was resting on her thigh.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we are almost in South Carolina, so if you could please put all devices away, clean up any mess to help out the cabin crew, and get your coats off because it is eighty nine degrees in Charleston. Thank you!" the flight attendant said through a speaker.

Danny and Rudy did as she asked, cleaned up and put the laptop they used away.

As the plane was landing Danny grabbed Rudy's hand not liking the impact. Rudy rubbed soft circles to try and calm her.

Once they landed and got off the plane Rudy texted everyone and told them that they landed safely. It was an hour ride to their apartments from the airport, so Austin, Maddie, and Chase should be at the airport soon.

Sometime later Rudy and Danny where in Austin's car and heading back to the apartments. They all caught the pair up on what's been going on. They paused the conversation when Danny got a call.

"It's your mom." Danny laughed looking at Rudy who made the most confused face she's ever seen.

"Hey Mrs. Pankow!" Danny said into her phone with a smile, but it slowly faded away.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"No no, that's not possible he was fine eight hours ago, shit, he was breathing eight hours ago!" Danny almost yelled.

"What do you mean he's gone? How is this even possible!" She now yelled.

"So your telling me I killed my dad?" Danny whispered not believing what she was hearing.

"No, no it was my fault. I should've known not to keep it all in the kitchen, this is all my fault. I need to come home." She whispered so that nobody heard what she was saying, but everyone heard it.

"No." She silently sobbed. She dropped her phone in her lap, brought her knees up to her chest, and wrapped her arms around her knees leaning against the car door. Rudy managed to grab her phone from her lap before she became a ball, he put in on speaker like he always does, because he can't hear for shit.

"Hey mom, what's going on? Danny's crying." Rudy said.

"David, passed away honey." Penny sniffled.

Everyone in the car was in shock expect for Danny. Rudy pulled her into his lap and stroked her hair trying to calm her. It was hard to calm someone when your crying too.

"What do you mean?" Rudy cried.

"He overdosed baby, I'm so sorry.' Penny apologized.

"No, there's no way," Rudy sniffled. "How?"

"He must've stolen Danny's meds." Penny said softly trying to stay strong. "He left notes for you and Danny though. I'll mail them to you as soon as possible?" Penny asked.

Danny decided she'd say something. "Yes please, i-i'll try to come home soon I gotta book a flight." Danny sighed sitting up right and wiping her tears.

"Honey, your mother wants you to stay with your friends, she said if you come home your probably not going to leave." Penny tried to reason.

"But- I need to go to his funeral, I need to be there for mom." Danny sighed again, rubbing her hand over her face.

"Stay with your friends baby, it'll be better for you, trust me." Penny said.

"Okay.' Danny gave in.

"I have to let you go, but we will call you tonight alright?" Penny asked.

"Okay talk to you then." Danny said then hung up.

She looked out the window as the car drove on the highway. She blocked out what her friends where saying to her. A few silent tears fell from her eyes as she pulled her hood over her head.

Rudy put a hand on her thigh to try and get her attention, but she just shoved it off not even looked at him.

After a few minutes she grabbed her backpack, got her headphones, note book, and pencil out and started writing. She listened to music while writing. In only a matter of time she put the two songs together. When she got to the apartments all she had to do was the instrumentals and she was done.

What the fuck was her life?

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