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This was hard to write, I cried like 5 times but whatever. Whatcha gonna do 🤷‍♀️

Tw: death, and nursing homes. Yes nursing homes might not trigger you but they trigger me, I think there stupid and all nursing homes should burn up in flames, without the people in the of course.

"Shit! I gotta answer. I'll be back." Danny sighed. Rudy kissed her head dismissing her. 

She walked away from the group of people to a quiet place then answered her mother's call.

"Hey mom! What's wrong, you look sad." Danny pouted.

"Where are you baby?" Samantha sniffled. 

"Uh.. I'm outside, I just finished filming. What's wrong ma?" She asked again, sitting down against a tree.

"Grandpa...passed away this morning." Samantha said with a choked back sob.

Parkinson's was a difficult disease to deal with. It was hard to watch. But you couldn't really tell when it was there time to go. Doctors suggested nursing homes, and that's what the family wanted. For him to be safe and taken care of. If only they didn't lock him in a nursing home maybe he'd still be here. 

"What?" Danny's eyes fogged up making her phone blurry. It wasn't fair. It wasn't his time yet.

"I know it's not right to be telling you news like this over the phone but it's important. I needed to tell you." Samantha cried.

Danny didn't know what to feel. Numb? Sad? Angry? Relived? Those didn't seem right. She dropped her phone into the dirt and put her hands in her hair, tugging on it.

"Danny? Baby pick up the phone." Samantha cooed.

The girl instantly broke down into tears. He was gone. Like gone gone. He's not coming back. She couldn't tell him how much she loved him anymore or at least say goodbye one last time. Hug him, laugh with him, joke with him, it was all gone.

Austin was walking towards his trailer when he heard crying. He became curious and walked towards it. There, he saw Danny on the ground crying.

"Hey?" He ran over. "Hey it's okay. It's okay. Come here." Austin pulled the girl into his arms leaning against the tree.

"Rudy? Is that you?" He heard from someone not recognizing the voice. He saw Danny's phone and picked it up to see a women with tears running down her cheeks.

"Hi, uh my name's Austin, I uh work with Danny." He tried to smile.

He was trying to focus on making sure Danny was okay. But just by being there for her, it made her feel a little bit better.

"I'm her mom, I've gotta go, but tell her I'll call later." Samantha smiled and hung up.

"Hey what's wrong? You gotta talk to me." Austin said with a soft voice.

"Rudy." Was all Danny said.

"He's filming right now, but what can I do to help you?" Austin asked very concerned.

"I need Rudy." Danny sobbed into Austin's chest.

"Okay." He sighed giving in. "I'm going to pick you up okay?" He asked. He knew he should ask incase it had something to do with someone hurting her.

Austin picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He held onto the back of her thighs and started carrying her. 

"Drew! You seen Rudy?" Austin yelled over to him. 

"Yeah I think he's at the Chateau filming... Who are you holding?" Drew asked.

"Danny, I gotta go." Austin said walking as fast as he could to the set where Rudy supposedly was.

When Austin turned away Drew saw Danny's face so he ran to catch up with Austin. 

"Dude let's take a golf cart, they won't care." Drew suggested.

"Smart, you drive." Austin said. They got to a golf cart and drove to the Chateau with Danny still in Austin's arms.

"Rudy!" Drew yelled getting the boys attention once they got to the Chateau.

"Go away kook!" Bailey yelled flipping him of because he ruined their take.

"Bro, Danny!" Drew yelled. At the name Rudy ran over to Drew looking for Danny. She was in Austin's arms crying.

"I don't know what happened, her mom FaceTimed her and then I found her on the ground crying, her mom was crying too." Austin said frantically while Rudy ran over.

"Danny, Rudy's here." Austin whispered. Danny's head turned and saw Rudy which only made her cry harder. All the memories of her grandpa and Rudy came over her like a flood.

"He's gone." She cried. Rudy took Danny from Austin's arms. Placing one hand on the back of her head and the other on her back.

"Who's gone?" Rudy questioned.

"Grandpa. He's gone." Danny sobbed. 

Rudy only pulled her closer. He understood how she felt, he was feeling the same thing. He loved her grandfather.

When nobody supported Rudy on his dream to become an actor her grandfather did. Then he persuaded Rudy's family that he'd be good at it. 

Rudy was so great full for him. Rudy's dad would go in business trips so Danny's grandfather became the male role model in him life.

"Rudes, are you crying?" Danny looked up at him. She had stopped crying and pulled herself together.

He didn't even notice he was crying too.

"What no. I- I'll be back." Rudy said while walking off. She knew he needs a minute so she decided to tell Jonas out the whole situation.

"Hey Jonas, uh..." Danny tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out.

"Austin just told me. Take as long as you need, I understand what your going through." Jonas said while opening his arms to bring Danny into a hug. She smiled and went to hug him.

Jonas loved the cast like his own kids. It was really heart warming. They could talk to him about anything going on and he would understand.

She decided to go to Rudy's car and check on him. Knocking on the window making Rudy jump out of his skin.

Tears streaming down his face, he looked her in the eyes, hiding his hands from the girl. She noticed and opened the door seeing his bloody hands. He was reckless when he was sad.

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