Chapter Two

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I am 19 years old and currently, my most frequent activity is washing spit-up, baby food and other lovely mystery liquids out of my hair.

That would be a great introduction to a dating show: 'Hi, I'm Madison Beverley, I like long walks in the park, and I have no clue what this mysterious yellow stain is on my pyjamas.'

Surprise, I'm still single...

I start to scrub out the revolting mush in my hair, which this time luckily is only baby food... I hope. I look at myself in the mirror and realise I have a lot of work to do before I am presentable to open the coffee shop. My greasy brown frizz called hair is half straight and half curly. The baggy joggers hanging off my body aren't the most flattering. I have bags under my eyes that look like I haven't slept in a month, which with full-time work and night-time babysitting duties, isn't far from the truth.

Sadie's body pushed out the most gorgeous baby I have ever seen, but baby Olivia is the most high-maintenance and fussy baby there is. She is still so lucky to have a mum, a dad and an amazing auntie Madison.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to clean up before I start to get dressed for work. Being our own managers is great except I still don't understand why we didn't pick a better uniform for ourselves. A stupid idea. I put on my black shirt with the shop's logo on it, and then pull my black trousers over my curves. I rub on some makeup just eyebrow tint, mascara and blush today as I am surprisingly having a good skin day today. My green eyes look so much better when my eyelashes are no longer unnoticed. Pinning up my hair out of my face, I notice Olivia watching me attentively from her highchair.

I go to wake Sadie up in her room just across the hall from my room. I have to climb over her pile of clothes she must have taken off last night and just jumped right into bed. Olivia in my arms is reserved for the first time this morning, as though she knows that Mum's sleep is important. Sadie is beautiful. She has pale white skin that is dotted with the most interesting freckles all over her arms and cheeks. Sadie's light ginger hair is laid across the pillow with the sunlight that's peeking through the curtain is picking out all the highlights in her hair. I gently nudge Sadie and softly whisper to her to wake her up. Slowly opening her eyes, I place a now fidgeting Liv on to the bed. I open the curtains fully whilst Sadie wakes up, at first with a confused look at what is pulling at her chest and then a gentle, yet pure smile when she realises that it's Olivia. I pick up Sadie's washing so I can remember to do it and remind her that I am leaving in half an hour.

Sadie must have got back from work late because I didn't hear anything last night. She has been getting in extra shifts at the local hotel to bring in a bit more money for what is now three of us. We are nearly all saved up to be able to buy the coffee shop from Lucas, instead of just renting it for another year. Between our earnings going to rent, food and the apartment as well as a nine-month-old baby, it has been hard.

Sadie will probably drop off Olivia with her dad about noon, and then pop over to the Coffee shop to help during the busy times. Sadie has been an amazing mum. She thought she found her soulmate in Liam, Olivia's dad, but unfortunately, they didn't work out. But Sadie has truly found her soulmate in Olivia. The happiness they share when they are together is like fireworks. She just picked up everything about being a mum so quickly. I was always there to help and Sadie's mum, Auntie Melissa. Melissa is my mum's sister-in-law. She looks just like Sadie with her long straight strawberry blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes. So beautiful and yet the complete opposite to me.

Finally, I am halfway presentable. My minimum requirements to be able to leave the house now are a bra, shoes, keys. I grab my bag, reusable coffee flask and a black and white jacket, before quietly closing the door behind me so I don't disturb those two cuddling watching kids cartoons but wave bye before I go.

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