Chapter Four

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Those hazel eyes drew me in instantly. They are shimmering with flecks of green, blue and golden brown. The most intriguing detail, an artist could not even replicate with years of trying. They were almost cocky and yet gentle at the same time. His eyes were complimented by thick long lashes that boys always seem to get the advantage of having. Thick black-brown eyebrow frame his eyes, like the masterpiece they are. I then notice his cheekbones, carved into his face by some sort of God. His plump lips sit slightly parted, showing a glimpse of his pearl white teeth. His jawline makes him look masculine, after all his perfect features, with a small amount of stubble scatter across the lower half of his face, almost proving him to be a man. His hair floats just like it is constantly blowing in the wind, like a model. It is a dark brown colour with warm undertones that compliment his olive skin tone perfectly. He stands mighty like a statue of a God, strong and unmoving.

My attention drifts back to his eyes and I notice them scanning me too. I take a breath not realising I had been holding it, for what has felt like an hour stood here staring. I look around to notice Eli had leaned away, obviously witnessing me drool like an idiot over his brother. Oh god. I realise Cole has also been watching me drool over him. I blink hard and realise I need to go but Cole is unmoving. He probably wants to take the piss out of this staring stranger before he lets me leave.

"Err... I need to go home now. Thank you for having me Eli," I croak out as I look down in embarrassment of this whole night.

I squeeze past the 6-foot-2 man stood in my way and smile at Eli before opening the door. As I turn the handle and pull the door towards me, I hear Cole croak up too.

"Wait a minute, I didn't get your name," he says reaching for my arm.

As soon as he touched his hand on my bare wrist, I feel burning. Not painful burning, a soft, tingling, enjoyable burning. The feeling spreads through my body and my eyes meet his. I can immediately tell he is feeling the same thing by the way his eyes flick from mine to his hand on my arm. I instantly feel calm, and the confusion leaves my head, as this beautiful burning floods my body.

I feel overwhelmed. What is happening and why do I feel so comfortable with it?

I look at Coles flawless face. It is like the whole world is shining and all I can see is him, with a shining golden halo. I feel a pull around my heart and at first, it is a sharp almost painful grasp. It shocks me to jump back from Cole's grip and the halo and the angels singing all fade to nothing.

I smile awkwardly, looking around wondering if anyone else saw the lights and literal sparks that happened. The fuzzy feeling slowly fades, and I'm left with an aching.

I feel like head ended and overwhelmed, suddenly stumbling. Looking at Cole's beautiful eyes confused. This is so confusing. Weirdly, the room spins and then I feel myself fall with no strength to hold myself up.

What the fuck is going on?


I dream such vivid dreams. I see myself sitting on a boat with what looks like an aged Cole. Almost the twin of Mr Harding. But that is my Cole with his enchanting eyes and cheeky smirk. I can hear chatter and giggling but the sound is distorted. Unexpectedly, a wave of water pushes its way onto the boat and these two figures burst out laughing with them both embracing in playful kisses.


My eyes slowly flutter open. What a weird dream. I sit up slowly with a headache and realise I have no idea what on earth happened last night.

I look around the dark room and recognise where I am. I am on the sofa in the Harding mansion. My brain starts to recollect the strange events of tonight and I get confused all over again.

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