Chapter Six

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"I know that I probably should feel scared right now. I should be calling the mental health hospital because you sound completely delusional, but I believe you. I can't deny that I can feel what you feel when I hold your hand, and I can't explain it, but your family feels like home. It's like I meant to be here. It doesn't make any sense, and I hope you know that, but I want to spend time with you and workout what this is. If this is all true and you are my soulmate, then I want to understand it as much as possible and understand everything else he said about the supernatural. I feel safe, and happy."

"Madison, I can't tell you how happy that makes me."

"I have one more question"

"Ask me anything"

"Can you explain what an Elemental is like do you have special powers or something? Are you like wizards?"

Cole laughs at me yet again, "no not like wizards and witches, but I guess you could say we have powers. They become more advanced once we find our soul mates but from a young age we learn how to control our ability's and everybody has different abilities kind of connecting to each element. I guess that's kind of where our name comes from."

I start to get excited from this whole new world that is opening up to me. I wonder if I will get powers and what they will be. I can't believe this is all happening, but for some reason with Cole sat right next to me, I'm not scared.

"So, do you have these abilities then? Like, can you magically make your bed? Wow, that would explain why this room looks so clean and tidy," I laugh with him, lacing my fingers within his.

He looks down at our hands, and truly looks giddy at my calmness and curiosity. Cole brings his other hand to place over the top of mine say that both of his hand masculine hands are wrapped around mine, increasing the feeling through my body. his hands are painted with veins that stick out and his nails although cut back short look well looked after. His hands are like twice the size of mine, making mine look like baby's hand in comparison.

"Well, I do have my abilities already, but they aren't that impressive as what I'll hope they will grow to, now that I found you. They're kind of hard to control so it takes practice. But every Elemental has a particular speciality, I guess you could say. My mum's ability is air. She has been with my dad since she was 16, so she has had a lot of time to control her abilities. My dad's is technology. I know that that's not exactly an element, but as more and more generations of elementals have been born their abilities have grown with the times, and obviously technology is very important today. We're all just glad because it's a skill that my dad has managed to make money from. To be honest that's what most elementals do. We are born to help the world run smoothly."

"That makes a lot of sense," I giggle. "Do you know your element yet?"

"Yeah, mine is fire."

"Show me."

Cole signs, releases my hand and stands up from the bed. I am confused because I wonder what that is about to set the whole house on fire. I feel butterflies in my stomach, and soon realise I'm nervous. this would prove everything he is just said. standing in the middle of the room Cole takes a deep breath rolls back his shoulders with one hand raised as if about to click his fingers fire starts to burn on his hands. I jumped back a bit. I mean I knew it was going to happen but I didn't expect it to happen like that. I don't know what I expected but it startles me. call just looks and chuckles clearly enjoying the effect he just had on me. He looks at me with a cheeky smirk that makes my heart melt. the fire burns orange and Reds in his hand, but he has complete control. I wonder whether it hurts. by the smirk on his face I'm guessing he's not in any pain. this is really amazing. Elementals are real. I have a crush on a wizard.

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