Chapter Seven

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The next day me, Sadie and Olivia get home at about 11 am. The fact we woke up so late definitely meant the shop was closed for today, but Sadie was just too hungover to wake up this morning.

When we get back to the apartment Sadie takes Olivia straight to the sofa and they both curl up with a blanket and the TV. I go and get a quick shower and change into leggings and a sweatshirt. I look around our bathroom and it seems so boring and mundane compared to the Harding's lavish interior design. They are so lucky to be born with all those riches. Even luckier to be born into such a loving family.

I feel a sadness wave over me as I think of my mum and dad. I miss my dad every day. I wish he was still alive and then maybe I would be living with him and my mum. My mum wouldn't be heart broken. And I wouldn't have had to leave her. I sit on my bed in my white fluffy dressing gown and rub the rest of my moisturiser into my legs. I should be grateful for everything that has happened, because then I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't have created this life for myself with Sadie and Olivia and I wouldn't have met the Hardings.

Last night, I slept so well. I was excited and giddy after my sleepy conversation with Cole but once I was in bed I slept like a baby. Even now, I have so much energy even after a few hours of sleep. I use this energy to tidy up the apartment and get on top of chores. Sounds boring, but I feel so productive.

After an hour of scrubbing the kitchen sink, cleaning the fridge and washing the floors, I hear Sadie snoring away with Olivia sat playing with her toys. I sit for a while playing with Olivia, practicing stacking a tower but at the minute she just likes to knock down all the blocks which makes me laugh.

I reach to pack the blocks away to let Olivia have a bottle and a nap, when I feel a stinging sensation on my wrist, on the inside. I whimpered at the pain, as it takes me off guard.

I turn my hand to look at my wrist and when I see a red patch on my wrist that starts to burn, about the same size as a 50p. I jump up, handing Olivia to Sadie who is half awake with the noise of the blocks. I rush into the bathroom to shove my wrist under the running water, hoping to cool the burning but the pain just intensifies. I can't help but whine as the pain turns into a scratching stabbing pain. I think I need to ring Cole.

Just as I reach for my phone, I see a text from Cole, 'Hey, it's Cole. Don't panic. It's okay. I will be there in 5.'

I am so confused. What is he on about and why is my wrist killing me? The pain starts burning through my hand, and the scratching feels deeper. I close and lock the door because I don't want Sadie to walk in while I wince over imaginary pain. I stare at the red mark that starts to turn purple. I start to worry. This is not normal.

Maybe this is all because of the stupid supernatural stuff. I wish he was here to tell me what was happening. I watch the mark on my wrist change as my wrist turns from red and purple to a small black mark, similar to a bruise.

"Hey, Mads. Are you okay in there?" Sadie calls to me.

I reply back quickly, "yeah, I'm all good thank you."

"You just got up a bit quickly, just give me a shout, if you need me."

I realise that if this is something to do with that Cole was telling me about. I need to get out of the apartment to be able to talk to him about it. Otherwise, we will have to whisper so Sadie doesn't hear us.

"I'm just getting ready to go out for a bit with Cole. I won't be long."

I hear her footsteps trail to the kitchen, so I open the door and rush across the hall to my room. I rummage through my clothes and throw on some jeans and a t-shirt quickly. I look at myself in the mirror and stare at the bruise that has formed on my wrist now. It isn't burning so much but it is very tender. I pick out a long sleeve jacket to cover up my wrist and arms, so Sadie doesn't notice the mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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