Chapter Five

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Me and Sadie arrive at The Harding's mansion at half 6 with Olivia sleepily laid in her pram with pyjamas on already. We promptly closed the coffee shop after Hope, Harris and Eli left at about 5 pm. Partially because there was no one in, and partially because we needed to rush home to shower, pamper and dress up to get here on time.

I ring the doorbell and adjust my dress. I am wearing a summery skater dress with a beautiful teal lace pattern cascading down the skirt. My grey leather jacket helps to keep the cold from my arms. The last time I was stood near this door I met Cole, I hope he's here because I hate to admit that the effort I made to look this nice is only for one set of hazel eyes. I spend 10 minutes blow-drying my hair, so that it fell in natural waves, and I put on a full face of makeup to look naturally pretty, although that is ironic in itself. I get butterflies but hide all my excited nerves from Sadie. She looks beautiful too. I know she is trying to impress the rest of the Harding boys with her flowing pale pink blouse, and bright white skirt that clings to her curves. I think she looks glamorous as her unique freckles spread across her face add to her stunning appearance. Her smile brightens her face as I can see her enjoyment about being out of work uniform for once.

Hope Harding opens the door looking equally as elegant as always. She welcomes us with open arms and a beaming glow on her face. She is dressed in monotone colours with an adorable red apron and a matching glass of red wine in her hand. She ushers us in exclaiming repeatedly how we look lovely and leads us to the open living room and kitchen. Sadie's mouth drops as she takes in the charm and grace of their home. I follow Hope to the Kitchen and quickly realise the apron around Hope's hips is mainly for show. Benson, who I believe is one of the older brothers, is preparing the food at the stove. He tastes the sauce and deep in thought selects another spice to add to his mixture of food. He soon spots me and instead of staring through me like the night before he flashes me a grin and calls me over.

"Hi Madison, taste this please and tell me what it's missing," he states with a wooden spoon pointed at my face.

I take a sip and let him know I think it tastes good.

"Good just isn't good enough," he replies defeated.

I notice Sadie awkwardly stood staring at me, "Benson, this is my cousin Sadie, she is amazing at cooking she will know."

I drag Sadie towards the stove, she looks at me and looks to Benson who is gorgeous. I know Sadie is excited to be talking to such a beautiful human. I giggle at her and go to walk away as they talk and laugh amongst themselves. I smile, knowing she will be happy to be talking to someone other than me and Olivia.

I walk over to Hope who already has Olivia cuddled in her arms. The love pours from Hope's eyes to the baby in her arms. I can see she is full of love. I offer to take Olivia, but Hope insists she is okay.

"I miss my babies being this small. They are so precious. I am happy to rock her to sleep don't worry. Please help yourself to a drink, Eli is somewhere around here to help" Hope happily whispers, not to disturb Liv.

I walk over to the drinks cart where Eli is stood with Grayson. Grayson is preparing a drink when he notices me approaching.

"Hello Madison, would you like a drink too? I'm making vodka and lemonade, but we have basically everything," Grayson says, more cheerful than the last time I saw him.

I reply realising a drink would make this even more enjoyable, "yes thank you."

I scan the room but still no sign of Cole. I wonder where he is, why isn't he curious about me too.

"Madz, hey!" Eli pulls me from my daydreaming. "What you looking for?" He giggles.

I blush, realising I probably look like a lost little puppy.

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