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(Requests on hold! Just until I finish up some of them will I then announce requests open :>)

*hebzjsb basically modern high school au thing
*they like to talk about series and movies on a bench under a tree every lunchtime :)
*both are certified nerds HEBXJHSJS

The bell rang lunchtime and the students make their way to the cafeteria. Acronix drowned in the sea of human flesh, squeezing his way past the crowd. Once he did, he walked outside to the bench under the tree where Cyrus was sat, a sandwich next in his hand, a book in the other. Smiling, Acronix walked over to the other boy and sat next to him, taking out his lunch box that had a cheeseburger but it was basically just bread, beef and cheese. He hated every other topping. Cyrus smiled once he noticed the boy next to him, greeting him, “Good afternoon” Acronix smiled back, “Gday!” “How was class?” Cyrus joked as the other groaned. “Terrible. Math can suck my-” “Acronix.” Cyrus interrupted before the other could finish his sentence, to which he laughed. “I'm kiddin'! But well,, math really does suck,” this time, Cyrus laughed. “Only because you don't pay attention is why you don't understand it,” Acronix scoffs, “Nah math is just meant to be that way. It's a fact of life,” Cyrus rolled his eyes jokingly, closing his book.
Talking about Marvel, the two agree Dr. Strange is the best character there despite Spiderman. “I still think Iron Man is superior to every other character,” Cyrus stated, “Which is true! He literally sacrificed himself for the whole universe and that's just...  W o a h. Dude has my respect,” Acronix immediately agrees, Cyrus nodding as he took a bite out of his sandwich.
“Is ir strange I get gay vibes from Stark and Stephen?” Acronix hummed, resting his face on his hand, eating the last piece of his burger. “No, I understand that. They definitely had something going on,” Cyrus agreed, which I agree too- uh nevermind.
The sun grew ever brighter, the ray od sun making it's way through the leaves and burning Acronix's eyes. “Damn,” he closed his eyes tight, leaning back slightly to avoid it. Meanwhile in Cyrus' point of view....

A ray of sun grew brighter over Acronix. Cyrus watched as the sun illuminated the other in a sort of way that made his heart flutter. Noticing this, he blushed and looked away immediately, staring at the table as he drank his orange juice. ‘really?...’ Cyrus cursed himself, his face getting redder by the second.
“Agh, Krux is gonna be so pissed at me lol,” ah, here it was. Disappointment in Cyrus's favour, he sighed and nodded. “I'll see you after school,” Acronix gave the other a quick side hug before running off inside. Cyrus watched as he left, feeling a part of him disappear. It was honestly so boring without Acronix around, seeing that Cyrus doesn't have many friends. Acronix is a weirdo that's for sure. But his smile is worth everything. He says 'lol' and 'lmao' and 'lmfao' out loud, he picks his scabs to taste his own blood. He's a complete and utter moron. But Cyrus likes that. He likes him for him and just the thought of them together makes Cyrus's heart beat fast.
He laughed for a moment, staring at his book.
“Like that'll ever happen,” he chuckled again slightly, then standing up, picking up his book and his bag, heading inside just as the bell rang. Perfect timing, as expected of Cyrus. Maybe he'll tell Acronix he likes him another day.

Hebsjrbrbdnhenshs im sorry this was short and bad :( I didnt exactly have a good prompt to use with them and my mind couldnt make anything up. Im really sorry :(

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