DISINTEGRATEDSMOKE ~ "Love you, Love you, Love you"

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Part 2 <3

*Includes new ships and friendships :D
*I mean... Just see for yoself i guess 👁👄👁
*Also, makes sense or not, I made it so that hospitals are still open and are fully protected while Garmadon attacks but its slow operating because so many people get hurt wkwkajkaja
*Also the ninjas dont act like they are in tbe movie because honestly,,,, I hated Coward Jay
*👁👄👁 small angst
*Literally over 4500 words so brace yourself lol

"Neuro, you stay here and watch the kids and wait for the ambulance while me and the others go back to-"


A loud explosion of some sorts could be heard nearby, the children all dropping on their knees, hands over their ears. Neuro stared off in the distance for a moment then back to Ash, nodding. "I got it covered. Go!" he said, Ash smiled and ran off. Stopping for a moment, Ash tried to call for Skylar telepathically, looking around seeing no one and nothing left of Ninjago. 'Just another normal day..' he sighed, then hearing Skylar's voice in his head.
"Ash? Where are you? You and Neuro just ran off!"
"Sorry about that. We saw someone needing help. Even worse, they were some kindies"
"That's understandable, but Karloff couldn't stop Garmadon. Right now we're watching him walk up the tower. What should we do?"

Ash's face dropped. He thought for a moment...
Should they wait for the ninjas to resolve the problem? It could he the simplest way..

“Are we going through with that?”
“.... Yeah. Just wait for the ninjas. Help any citizens you can find. Tell the others as well”

Ash looked around again, trying to find someone at least. Hopping around the broken cement on what used to be huge buildings with so many things to sell and so many great people injured. It hurt so bad. He hopped and hopped and hopped before stopping again. It seemed so quiet. So... Quiet. Too quiet. Something was off with his surroundings. Just then, the world seemed to fade to black. His breathing pattern was messy and his head felt light. He breathed through his mouth one last time before passing out.


“We should take him to the hospital”

“We have to go back to master Wu”

“Ninjas help people, Kai!”

“Let's just take him to the hospital and leave”

“Fine but we better be quick. I don't want any extra training today. It was hard enough”

“And honestly embarrassing enough”




“Where is the hospital anyway?”

“Wait... Isn't that guy in our class?”

“You're right! What's his name...?”

“It doesn't matter what his name is. The real question is why he was even outside to begin with”

“Well it isn't quite safe inside or outside”

“Especially inside. Garmadon doesn't care what he hits, he just hits everything!”


“Does he have any family or friends that I can contact?”

“I don't know. Maybe his phone is in his pocket”

“No... It's not with him”

“He must have dropped it”

“Well someone needs to take care of him while he gets better”

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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