BRAINFREEZE ~ "Coffee and books"

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*Another REQUEST by Ninja_Puppet*

(a/n ; this will be connected to the old DoublePair ~ “I'm Turner!” one-shot from my last one-shot book, where Shade, Turner and Neuro work at a coffee shop named Cozzee, so it's linked to that, but Neuro and Shade aren't dating, so-)

The entrance door bell rung, another customer coming in. Neuro was just finishing up his shift when it rang, so it could possibly be Zane. They hang out after Neuro's shift is done in the cafe, because they had a lot of interesting books there, and they have beanbags, meaning it's the best library ever.
“I hope I'm not a single second late” Zane smiled, making his way to the corner of the cafe, grabbing a book from the shelf he hadn't finished reading. Neuro got out from behind the counter and sat down on a yellow beanbag, taking out a small book from below the glass table. “Why? You're always too early” Neuro chuckled, opening up a page he bookmarked with a popsicle stick. “I get excited” Zane said, blushing, as he sat down on a black beanbag, book at hand.
Neuro, too, blushed and smiled. The thing is, he can't read Zane's mind, because, well, he's an android, not an actual human being.
You know those stories where you see the lives of both characters in a love story, they love each other but they both don't know the other loves them? Yeah, this was sort of the situation. Neuro had watched those kinds of stories with Turner when Jay had asked for a break. It was horrible, but he enjoyed himself, and he sort of wishes he was in that kind of situation. He hated knowing people liking him, but too nervous to tell. It was starting to get annoying. Zane is a change in things, since he can't read his mind.

Zane doesn't have a brain, but he has a memory such as a phone, or computer. But he cannot read that, and he loves that fact. Because then, he would need to find clues if Zane liked him or not. Neuro worries he doesn't. But that's the fun of it!

Neuro already has the answer.
Zane likes him. They've hung out long enough for Neuro to know, so when will he ask him out? That was the part he was nervous of. He never felt nervous confessing to a crush, because he knew they actually like him. Neuro didn't know if Zane actually likes him. He's just guessing from what he could pick up, this was risky, but maybe would give a satisfying result.
Neuro sighed, heart pounding, chest aching. He put down his book slowly and looked at Zane's eyes. “Zane?” the ice ninja hummed and looked up from his book with a smile, which made Neuro fluster. “U-uhm...” he stuttered, gulping and breathing heavily. This made Zane laugh. He knew exactly what Neuro was so afraid to ask, how? He used his smartness to find out. Okay, that was a lie, Jay can't stop talking about it after Turner told him, which Neuro swore he killed both of them on Halloween so they won't get a single candy before they die. Zane put down the book on a coffee table next to the beanbag. He got up and went over to Neuro, grabbing a small chair from the kids' table and sitting down next to him. “You want to ask me out?” Zane smirked, looking up to him.
Neuro was both in panic and relief. Was Zane saying that as a joke? No, he's smiling, and he's Zane, He doesn't do jokes! What if he does and Neuro doesn't know it? What if-
“Neuro, I'm free on Saturday” Zane said, putting a hand on Neuro's. What was Neuro thinking of this? He was freaking out. He couldn't stop screaming internally. “I-I...” Zane didn't know if he should... But...

The ninja got up, and put back the chair to the kids' table. He looked back at Neuro and smiled softly. He leaned in and kissed his cheek, then said, “I'll pick you up at 7:00”
Zane pat his back and picked up his things, “I need to go make dinner for the rest on the bounty. They're nothing without me on the subject of food” Neuro nodded and smiled awkwardly. Once Zane had left, Neuro got up and quietly thought back what happened, whether it happened or not. His heart still ached as it did and his face was still as red. But dinner with Zane is everything. Maybe he owes Jay and Turner something for telling Zane.

Nah, he wants the pleasure of kicking their asses for telling him, but he does owe them.


Turner and Jay ended up being handcuffed and kept in a closet in Neuro's house.
He fed them m&ms everytime they finished their vegetables.

They had to stay there for a week

*NINJAGO ONESHOTS* {REQUESTS CLOSED FOREVER!}Where stories live. Discover now