CITRUS ~ "He's shy"

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*REQUEST by Kai_FlameyBoi28*

(Echo Zane comes in more earlier than canon)

It was an ordinary day in the bounty, Lloyd was eating gummy bears and playing Mario Kart against Jay, Kai and Cole were sparring, Nya was doing yoga outside and Zane was doing some upgrades on Echo Zane, hoping he would understand feelings as he did. Just then, a strong wind blew the sails, but the anchor helped them stay still.
"Anybody home?" a familiar voice called from above. A voice that sounded like "Morro? What're you doing here?" Cole huffed and breathed heavily, waving up at the other master. "Well, I thought I'd come and visit" the wind ninja rested his feet upon the ground and cement of the monastery. "and besides, there ain't much crime back in Stiix and Stones, so maybe there might be some here I can enjoy getting a feel for" he explained, revealing his tired eyes. "I see you've picked up an accent. Or did your boyfriend Ronin teach you that under the sheets?" Kai teased, wiping off his sweat with his towel.
"Shut the hell up, I don't know what you mean" Morro put on a deadpan face. He and Ronin were a good set of partners, helping out the people of Stiix and Stones, but they often fight, as many friendships come and go. But a couple-couple? No. He won't be interested in those sorts of things, especially if it was with Ronin. That man is more of a brother to him. A stubborn, idiot brother whom he cares so much for.

"So, what's been going on in Ninjago? Any new updates?" Morro smirked, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. The door creaks open, to reveal the rest of the group, Lloyd leading front, Nya to his right, and Zane to his left, holding Echo's hand. Echo was a nervous and shy android, and he doesn't really interact with people he doesn't know, just like me. "Morro!" Lloyd greeted, shaking his hand. "Oh? Whose this fella?" the wind elemental asked, staring at Echo, who hid behind Zane. "He's a small project Zane's dad worked on when he was away. Since his passing, Zane took over to upgrade him" Nya explained. Morro nodded in understanding, getting closer to the said android. "Hey there, buddy" he cooed. "He's shy, and he doesn't trust people immediately" Zane warned as he watched Morro get closer to his brother. "I get it. I was too. Hey, it's okay, I'm a good guy" he cooed again to Echo.
The android felt at ease and smiled, taking Morro's hand. Zane and the rest were a little surprised, Echo doesn't really get along with new people like that. If it weren't Morro, Echo wouldn't have held his hand so quickly.
Morro blushed, and smiled, ruffling his hair. (IDK how that works, don't ask me lol) Echo laughed, making the other's heart pop. Zane awed and nearly cried. Echo had been though a lot, and for him to know how to feel is an amazing achievement. “He's a cute fella, huh?” “Yes he is. Don't get too close, or I will murder you-” Zane whispered with a smile. Morro looked at him and asked, “Sorry? I couldn't catch that” Zane brushed it off and subtly said, “oh it's nothing”

“Hey, what about we go find some robbers or something, someone in need of help, and bring this little guy? I wanna see his potential” Morro thought, as he is Morro. He loves seeing others' potential, and what they can do. But Zane was a little protective of Echo, being his older brother and only family left, and all. “Uhh, no, I hadn't finished.. Upgrading him yet...” Zane lied.
“That isn't true, you told me just a few minutes ago you were done!” Echo pointed out, making Zane stammer. “Uhb.. Uhmmm...”
Lloyd stepped up and pat Zane on the back. “Zane, we get it, you want to protect your brother, but he can't protect himself if you keep making him stay here” “That's why I'll be with him the whole time!” Zane explained. “What if you were busy with something else? And we were busy too?” Zane thought for a moment. “I... Suppose you're right....” he admitted, feeling a bit bad for himself. “Maybe Morro and I can teach him some moves! How bout it?” Cole chimed, snapping his fingers. “Not a bad idea. I'll help too” Kai volunteered. “And only cause you both can't do anything as good as I can!” his ego taking over.

“Alright!” Morro cheered. He pat Echo's back firmly, “Hear that, buddy?” he pulled the android in a side hug. The android blushed and smiled softly, putting his hands on top of each other. Echo already had some good martial arts downloaded into his system, but if this way, he had the chance to walk along the path with Morro, he wouldn't pass it up. Hell no. Would you pass hanging out with your crush? No.
That's exactly the thought Echo had.
“Training starts tomorrow at dawn. For now, we dine!” Morro cheered louder, punching in the air, the others following along.

As did Echo.


“MORROOOO, WHERE ARE YOU!? IM HUNGryy” Ronin whined, crying on the floor.

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