SHADOWPHEONIX ~ "It's a joke"

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*alsO theyre like at a festival ehshwkhwjahs or sumn
*ALsO a bIt of Fastshadow shenanigans yebdjwhajbs

“Hey Shade~” Turner cooed from behind the master of shadows, surprising him. “TURNER-” He yelped, scattering his arms in a weird 'holy-shit-im-gonna-fall' motion. Turner managed to catch the startled one, giggling. “You dickweed!” Shade cursed, smacking the speedy master's face away, getting back on his feet, blushing slightly, Turner giggling even more. “Anyways, where's Kai?” Griffin turned around, on his tip toes and tried looking for the familiar spiky hair ninja. “Right here,” Kai's voice chimed, sounding as if he had said it through gritted teeth. Turning around, Griffin saw the mentioned red ninja holding a blue cotton candy on a stick with a clearly irritated smile. Turner only smiled back, though an actual happy smile, and greeted him cheerfully. “Hey Kai!” he waved. “I saw you catching Shade and getting close to his face. What the fuck were you gettin at?” Kai raised an eyebrow, his eyes burning with anger, making Turner burst out laughing in his head. “Ah y'know, just buddy things~” Turner pushed down his glasses slightly to show Kai his wink as he pulled Shade into a side hug with a smug smirk. This only fuelled Kai's irritation even more, his fingers starting to feel sore from clenching onto the cotton candy stick so hard. Shade shook his head and pulled away from Turner with ease to try and calm down Kai with a kiss on the cheek. It worked. Sorta. Well... I'd say it almost worked.
Kai's irritation was less than it was then but it was still there. “Aww Shade don't be like that~” Turner cooed, running over next to Shade, arms over his neck, though neither's face was getting any closer. They both could feel Kai burning up again, making Turner laugh in his head even harder. “Turner-” Shade sighed, being interrupted by Kai, “YOU LISTEN HERE, YOU LITTLE SHI-” “HAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Turner then interrupted Kai with his laughter, unable to contain it any longer. Wiping a tear from his eye, Turner sighed in relief, “Whoo! How'd I do?” he asked, turning to his side as Pale appeared out of nowhere, as expected of the master of light.. Or invisibility. “Spectacular! Hahaha!” he responded, chuckling. “Wha?” Kai stood there, Shade casually taking the cotton candy stick out of his boyfriend's hand. “It's just a joke, babe,” Shade shook his head before grabbing a handful of cotton candy and stuffing it into his mouth. “Don't know if you could tell” the shadow master joked, chuckling.
Feeling like a fool standing there, Kai just stared at Shade with a confused look. He wasn't confused. He just couldn't fully process everything. Well okay he was a bit confused. But at the same time he wasn't. Get me?
“HAHAHA THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!! AHAHAHAHA!” Turner laughed even harder, grasping his stomach as he did and pointed at Kai. Shade chuckled along, as well as Pale. “Y-YOU GUYS ARE ASSHOLES!” Kai blushed from embarrassment, making them laugh even more. Shade faced Kai directly then took out a jar full of money from God knows where that had a piece of paper stuck to it that had written, ‘Kai's Swear Jar’.
“Dollar fifty,” Shade said, opening the jar to which Kai grumbled at, grabbing change out of his pockets and angrily put them in the jar. Shade kissed his cheek and pat his shoulder then closed the jar, putting it back to wherever the hell he took it from.

They continued their date at the festival with two third wheels.


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