JAYA ~ "Wedding Vows"

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*REQUEST from TheDestroyerxxL*

Today was finally the day. The day neither Jay nor Nya will ever regret or forget. Their wedding day.
They've come a long way, since the first time they met, their first kiss, and the first time they've said I love you. Today, marks the day, they say I do.

Vows; are the second best part about a wedding, right next to cake. It fills us all with tears, and it fills the bride and groom's family happiness to know it was the right choice to allow the groom to propose.

"Very funny, Cole"

What did I say?
I'm happy for my two friends to have met in the first place. To Jay and Nya's parents!

"To Jay and Nya's parents!"
Everyone raised their glasses, in celebration. "Now, we start the wedding" Cole went to sit next to Zane, readying his tissues.

Jay stood at the end of the blue carpet in his neat and tidy tuxedo, nervous, but excited at the same time. He smiled as he saw Nya walk through the arch of the entrance, looking as beautiful as she can be. She wore a long sleeved, but transparent, white dress, with flower patterns sown into the dress. She wore a long veil, as she held onto the red bouquet of flowers, from the date where Jay proposed to her. It was a romantic evening, near the beach, with yellow fairylights hung from tree to tree. The ring was silver that held onto a beautiful shining ruby. The ring was held in a tiny navy blue box, in a small cushion to keep it from corroding.
Once Nya reached the end of the carpet, she left a trail of tears from her own eyes, and others'. Jay felt a rush of nostalgia, but from a memory he'd never been in. He's one to look up to his future, especially if it involves Nya in his life.

Ah yes, wedding vows. How could we forget those? They're the reason everyone can't stop crying. Speaking of,

"Nya, you have no idea how much today means to me. To know I'll grow old and grey with you is the best news to me. I was always a clumsy trooper, I remember I messed things up a lot, sometimes.... Most of the times, in attempt to impress you" Nya smiled at his honesty. She loved that about him, trying so hard just to impress her. She hadn't been happier to have someone who looked up to her like that. "but I guess now that I've grown older, I'm beginning to see that.... All I needed was for you to be safe. I don't need to be rich, or smart to be with you, because you told me yourself.... That you'd love me either way. Those words were one of the reasons I wanted you in my life, till death do us part. But I want you to know that... You don't have to be silly because you don't feel like you don't fit in with me, because I love you for who you are" Nya giggled, thinking of how many times she acted like a clown in front of him and Turner, or him and Cole. Those weren't her best moments, but they were still moments of her and Jay, and that should be enough. "I love you, and there's nothing that could change that. Unless, of course, someone puts a magic spell on me or something.... heh" Jay laughed, looking down, feeling tears beginning to come out. He finished with putting the ring through her finger, and exhaled deeply as he did, looking up and wiping away his tears, then looked back at his soon-to-be wife, once they agree to eternity.

Nya took a second and wiped her own tears, sniffing and clearing her throat. "Okay, here we go..." she stared into Jay's eyes lovingly.
"Jay, I've been through so many terrible relationships that I wasn't able to dedicate myself into, and I'm afraid I can't dedicate myself into as well" Jay's face dropped, a bit confused. His heart sank. What else was she going to say? "But I swear to you that I will" she smiled, stroking his cheek. "Jay, when I first met you, I thought you we're adorable with your clumsiness, and that is one of the things that I would love to stand by my whole life. I want a family who has an entertaining father and not one whose always busy for work, and doesn't have time for family bonding" Jay chuckled. "and when you proposed, that's when I realised, If I say yes, I won't ever regret it. Because you and I are going to build a foundation together. A family, a house and beautiful children who will continue on our legacy. We don't need a big house, we don't need a basement for weapons. All I want is us to be together and safe" Nya sighed, as tears began flowing out.
"Oh, Nya" Jay cried, chocking on his tears. He wanted to hug her so bad, but all he could do for now is hold her hands and wait till they say,

"I do"


Cole ate all the cake

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