LAVA ~ "I don't exactly hate you.."

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(Honestly I live for this ship. Im a big rarepair shipper but this is one of the few Ninja ships I tolerate)

*Uh Cole and Kai fight 24/7 and Kai went too far so the others forced him to apologise ribcmebsj
*Cole is s o f t
*mmm kiss n make up sorta thing






“Okay maybe we should calm down-”


“Ugh, why does Zane and Nya have to leave me with you two?”



“Oh, another fight,” Zane sighed as he walked into the room, seeing Cole and Kai at each other's throats and Jay in between, trying to seperate them both before one kills the other. “IM RIGHT, ADMIT IT!” Cole yells, grabbing Kai's collar, resisting the urge to punch him. “NEVER!” the red ninja spat back, grabbing Cole's collar as a response. Zane pushed Jay away and managed to seperate the two fighting, Jay relieved. “Okay,” Zane crossed is arms, “What were you two arguing about now?” he glared at both of them as they grumbled in response. “Jay?” Zane asked, “What were they arguing about?” Jay sighed, “Well they were out getting food at Chen's and apparently Kai whistled and winked and tried to ask out at least 14 different girls and they've been arguing since they got back. Cole said it was disrespectful and made the girls uncomfortable and Kai said it was a compliment and not weird at all. Personally, Cole is right,” Zane nodded and stared at Kai. He would definitely do that sort of thing but he was wrong. It's absolutely disrespectful to randomly ask a girl out. Especially knowing Kai, he must have sounded super gross and flirtatious which even made Zane shudder at the thought.
“Of course Cole is right. It's absolutely disrespectful to go up to random girls and flirting with them, Kai” Zane shook his head. Though Kai was still a teen, it was, in a way, understandable. Either way, he still did it and he knew he was doing it. “Well, heck, how do you know they felt uncomfortable!?” Kai snapped back. Zane lifted an arm to stop Cole from charging. “The society we live in makes it so that girls being catcalled in public is uncomfortable for them and you should understand and respect them because having to deal with this everyday, because although not all men do it, enough men do it to scare those girls” Zane replied, Kai scoffed. Cole stepped in, “Kai, you're a fucking ninja now. Grow up”

Flooded with anger, Kai punched Cole across the face, in his head, he's thinking...

Im right! Theyre just girls...
Who cares, right!?
Im just flirting... Is it that bad!?
Im not wrong!

“COLE!” Jay rushed over to the black ninja, catching him before he fell down. Cole got up, his cheek was red. It must have been a really hard punch.. “What the hell, Kai!?” the black ninja cursed, holding his cheek as he stared at Kai, a piercing look on his face.
“Kai, enough.” Zane pushed the red one away from the other two. Realising what he had done, Kai felt light. His eyes widened before fainting, Zane catching him. “Kai?” the white ninja nudged the unconscious one in his arms. Zane hummed, tossing Kai on his back and carried him to his room.
“What an asshole...” Cole stifled, shaking as he felt tears flow out of his eyes. “Cole? You.. You're crying?-” Jay stared at his tears as it ran down his cheeks. “I don't get how I even like that douchebag..” he said softly, sobbing. Jay raised an eyebrow, confused, but still nodded.

-Timeskip to the next morning waaaaaaaaa-

Kai came into the room and stopped, staring at Cole eating on the table. Cole noticing, stared at him back. After a few seconds, both looked away, grumbling something. Just then, Zane came into the room, passing Kai and putting down Cole's drink in front of him. Kai sighed, walking away and back into his bedroom, contemplating..

Did I go too far last night?

And yes, he absolutely did.
He stopped in his tracks for a moment, feeling burning in his eyes. “what the hell?” he stared down on the ground, seeing a tear fall down. A tear? A tear... He was... Crying?
“Kai?” Jay's voice chimed. Kai looked up at the lightning ninja, eyes red and  full of tears. He sniffed, before breaking down, dropping onto his knees and wiping his tears as more came out. “Kai!?” Jay rushed over to him, not knowing what to do. “Kai, are you okay?” “I... I don't know..” the red ninja stared at his hands, wet with his tears. What the hell was happening?
“I- I'll go get Zane!” Jay got up and left him on the floor, calling for Zane as he ran. Kai stayed put, unable to take his eyes off his hands. For some reason, it was satisfying to see. Satisfying to see tears come out of his eyes. He doesn't remember the last time he cried. Sniffing, Kai slowly got up on his feet and rubbed his eyes and threw away any more tears. Footsteps behind him, he turned to see Jay come back with Zane out of breath.
“Kai..” Zane stepped closer, holding his shoulder. Kai choked back any tears this time. He choked back all the sobs. All the tears he wanted to cry out. Bottle it all up..
“You have to apologise to Cole”
Kai stared at Zane, not a word escaping his mouth. Only a slow, uncertain nod.

Coming back into the room, Cole had finished his food and drink. Kai awkwardly went and sat down across from him, not knowing how to start. In fact, he didn't need to. “I'm sorry for yelling at you,” Cole started for him. Kai's mouth slightly ajar, he stared as anxiety killed him. “I...” Kai managed to say out loud. He didn't understand it but somehow, his throat hurt so much. He didn't know what to say or... How to say anything.  Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths.
“I.... I'm sorry... Too...” Kai finally responded, looking down at his legs as he clenched his fists tight. Cole was about to stand up and take his dishes to the kitchen, then, “You know.......” Kai continued, earning Cole's immediate attention. “I don't exactly hate you...” the black ninja raised his eyebrows, quite shocked. It was surprising Kai didn't hate him, no matter how many fights they've been in, against or beside each other. Cole stood there for a moment, watching as the other ninja  tremble slightly, head still down.
“Get up.” Cole commanded to which Kai unknowingly responded, slowly standing up. Kai wasn't scared for what Cole might do. He didn't care if he punched him or kicked his stomach or anything like that. He deserved it, right? He-
A warm embrace of two strong hands wrapped around Kai, making him flinch for a moment, then realise Cole was hugging him. He gulped, hugging the other back, resisting the urge to break down and cry on his shoulder right there and then. “I don't exactly hate you either,” Cole joked, making Kai chuckle as he pulled the other closer and tightened the hug.

Whwhsjsbjw I didn't have an exact plan with this prompt. It was all just gonna be angst but I did want them to kiss but also didn't and since this was more angst than flufd I decided to make them hug instead.

I know I torture and make Kai look bad in a lot of my fanfictions with him in it but I do truly love and appreciate Kai. He s a welcome and important member of the team and I approve!! Much love to Kai <33

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