2. was it all real or just a bad dream ?

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Nisha jindal ( POV )

I sat in the bed with terrible sweat in my forehead , my head is hurting so much , my throat is dry. I sat on my bed which somehow became soft like I am sitting on soft mattress ....you are dreaming again Nisha how can jail bed turn into soft bed ?

From experience I know that the mud water pot is near my head I just have to stretch my hand and pour water for myself. As for my head well hope they have medicine for it. I stretched my hand but it struck something and that thing fell and made a loud crashing noise.

Did I just broke the water pot in the jail ? Oh god , warden Jasmine is going to kill me and that mishi she is not going to make me another one , ( why are you so careless Nisha ? )But its really dark here ( Now stay thirsty for whole night ) shut up Zinna has water in her pot , she is in the next cell I am sure she will lend me some water ( Alright but be careful ) she doesn't bite ( you broke something in the floor ) Right.....did I just talked with myself ? God ! I need a doctor.

I sat on my bed and now I have to walk towards my left and their will be Zinna's cell. I tried to get down but my legs caught up with some sheets and they got entangled. But I don't have sheets here than how ? And that also so soft and warm , even the cell is not smelling as bad as it smelled this morning.

Yeah I washed the floor with cleanser but the after smell is very bad. Than why is it smelling like lemonade here ? My mind playing games with me ? Well let's focus in what we were doing. I tried to pull the cover away from my body and than something moved.

What moved ? Who moved....this is my cell I stay here alone . Than are those stories of ghost are real ? Why ghost ? I am so scared now .....but something moved I am sure about it. But in this darkness how am I going to find out who is it ?

I now hurried and tried to get away from the bed as soon as possible but my sari got messed up and Something heavy is on my veil not letting it come easily. I am almost in the verge of tears and again a crash sound. Did I just broke something else ? But what ? Their was nothing else to break ..?

" Nisha go back to sleep " a tired voice came and its Aditya's voice my husband Aditya jindal but how come he is here ? My hands are shaky I was about fall when my hand struck something and the whole room got lit up. Its not jail.....its my house , I am in my bed and my husband sleeping in my bed.

" Aree yaar ...kya hai ? ( what happened ? ) " said Aditiya with an angry voice. I secretly pinched myself... Its not a dream its happening I am home , Aditiya is alive....I didn't kill him or Jhanvi ( reason for being in jail ) but than how ? Was that all dream ? But that much long dream sounds impossible.

" I just woke up to drink water , think I broke the jug. You sleep , I can handle it. " I ensured him , he didn't said anything else and went back to his sleep. My god ! This may sound terrible but I think I just time traveled. I took my phone from my side table and switched it on , it says today date is 12/07/2018 but when I was sentenced for lifetime imprisonment that time it was 2020 and I was in jail for three years so 2023 , I came six years back in the time ( yes , you did ) , again that voice ...its like a girl came inside me whom I don't know.

I came out of the bed and switched off the lights , I shouldn't disturb Aditiya, we have joined library with our bedroom and I can think here nicely about my life. I came in the familiar library room and sat on a chair. I am very confused ( And that's where I get in ) who are you ? ( I am a system programmed by universal organization , you did many bad things in your life but for that you did suffered a lot ) Sure I did than what ? ( I want to help you so that your life can get back in track again ).

Sounds good but why you want to help me ? ( See my level is in 9 and if I make one person take good decision in life than I will be a star holder , that's why I brought you back in time so that I can stop you from taking those bad steps ). And you sure I am not going crazy and simply need a doctor to talk with ? ( Nope you are good Nisha ) , well tell me more about the time I am in and what should I do next ? ( well for now you are in safe zone , you didn't act anything crazy but Aditiya is annoyed with you ) Tell me something I don't know.... is he in love already ( Nope, but admires her work )

Since I got time I have to use it nicely. I still remember the stress I use to feel , the pressure of work and the sad ending of my friends who tried to keep me safe. I was very selfish and that's why Aditiya never loved me , we have two kids but with time love died between us and now its just duty which we are doing , and I was so selfish that I wanted to kill everyone in the house and make everything mine , can say I was bit mad...that time Jhanvi came in Aditya's life , they soon fall in love and I was long forgotten, out of anger and jealousy I tried to kill Jhanvi but killed both Aditiya and her and than you know what happened.

But not this time , now I want a simple life away from all troubles and tension. If Aditya already likes her than soon he will be in love and who knows how crazy I can get that time ( Than what will you do ?) , I will leave before that ( you mean you will leave Aditya ? ) I must do it , if it helps me gain a nice life than I must do it ( Don't worry I am with you ) , I don't know if it is dream or real all I know is I have to make nice decisions this time.

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