6. Meeting with some old friends.

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Let me give you a brief intro of my friends before the meeting so that even you know them nicely.

Soniya Manhotra , daughter of a businessman , rich and ( applied by her father )  my college friend

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Soniya Manhotra , daughter of a businessman , rich and ( applied by her father )  my college friend. Recently married to a big business man and is having a good time of her life. But since her husband is  70 years old , she is looking for some entertainment.

Pakhi sen , my school time friend , very sweet and jolly looking but don't fall for her looks

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Pakhi sen , my school time friend , very sweet and jolly looking but don't fall for her looks. She to take revenge for her death fathers death , she got married on that family and destroyed them all and recently running the business of her dead father -in- law ( she killed. )

Rukshar Khan , I meet with her in jail

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Rukshar Khan , I meet with her in jail ...once on this timeline only. She was their cause she tried to kill someone and ended up in jail . Recently out with her in - laws having a normal life....I hope so.

Tanveer Singh , daughter-in-law of a Punjabi family ( Tanu for short ) , well she is my school time best friend and for my business I think I will take her help

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Tanveer Singh , daughter-in-law of a Punjabi family ( Tanu for short ) , well she is my school time best friend and for my business I think I will take her help. So you going to see her a lot here. She is funny , sweet , nagging sister and deadly at the same time.

There you go my four  friends, I know you may be wondering do I have a normal friend. Well , they are very normal to me , cause I didn't judge them without knowing them well. I know what they are and why they are like this so ....its alright. Excuse me for their language though , they don't have sweet tounge .

" You still alive ? " asked soniya making a face . " Sorry , was too busy but look I am back for these friendly meeting , so what's going on in life ? " I asked her trying to start a conversation with them . It has been long and I really forgot their current situation.

" Don't ask...life sucks. " said Pakhi while picking up her coffee mug. " Some white eyed wolves ( greedy people ) trying to suck out money from me , so your girl smacked those thick skinned faces hard. " she said proudly smiling.

" Some people just don't understand, we have changed our ways but we are no monks....I would still flip on anyone if they try to snack on my hard earned profit. " said tanveer, don't say I didn't warn you.

" My husband is such an oldy I really don't know what to do with him. If he tries...I am afraid he may break something in his body. " complained soniya with an irritated face.

" I warned you not to marry him....but you were so eager to marry him and now you're not satisfied with him . " said Rukshar, yes she should have married for a good life not Money....but who am I to judge her ?

" He has money okay.....I can have who ever I want with that money , so I don't regret but sometimes when he is in mood I feel like I am playing with bones. " she complained with a snort ( children's under 18+ close your eyes ) was that necessary ? ( you never know who reads it) Alright.

"My husband doesn't stay home and when he does.....well its really hard for me to walk around the house with straight legs , its so embarrassing when your in -laws see you with a knowing smile on their face as you limp around the house. " said tanveer with a complaining tone but satisfied eyes ( are we here for an erotic stories ? ) its common for friends to share stories.

" I am married against my wishes but he never tried to touch me without my permission.... not that I gave him permission. " said Pakhi with a blushing glow on her face. She married her brother -in- law.... She was forced to and that's why there is world war 3 between them....always ( Really ? But you know the couple who fights most are the one who loves each other the most ) and my mind is filmy too ( multitasking babe ).

" Someone getting soft.. " teased tanveer and Pakhi blushed more but she told " what soft ...I would never let him touch my hairs also. Not even a single bit and if he forces than he has to see my dark side....which wouldn't be a good thing for him. " she said but we all know that's just a big , fat lie.

" what about your marriage life ?....come on don't be shy .." asked Rukshar ( something I would love to listen ) you wish ( but your husband is hot ) shut up I am busy , go play by yourself ( Alright I am leaving... I am so hurt ) such a drama queen I tell you.

" My life going good....my daughters are too smart and for Aditiya and me..we are just hanging on the cliff hanger.... " I told the truth and they didn't say anything else.

" Are you not in good terms yet ? " asked Rukshar and I don't know why but it almost sounded like she knows something . " No , we are still together for the kids , Aditiya... he has no feelings for me and it might end soon. " I told them the truth, they knows anyway.

" Just give him some honey and he will buzz around you 24/7 , trust me on it. " said soniya ( can't she talk about something else?) You embarrassed ? ( aren't you ? ) she is build like that.

" If you don't have place in someone's heart than nothing can make him or her like you.. that's what I think " I told them with a sad smile and the topic ended their.

" I planned to open a restaurant, that would keep my mind off stupid things and I could be productive. " I told them my original plan and discussed in details about it . They shared their views and comments and I think that's going to be great.

" I have a three store building rotting in the town and I don't know what to do with it, you can set up their.. I don't need anything I don't lack money. It will give me a source to do something count me in. " said soniya and I love her for that .

" Your husband wouldn't mind ? " I asked her , she told " Once he gets his honey... he will not mind the devil himself. " she said , and yes just ignore her comments.

" Count me in " said tanveer and I knew she would volunteer, Rukshar and Pakhi has their own business but they promised to help out whenever they have time. Well , that's not a bad start.

" Good morning.  " I heard the voice and turned around to see Jhanvi standing in the door....probably looking for Aditiya. I told her to come in, I used to bully her with my friends and Aditiya used to hate that....time to clean up the mess.

" Sorry Adi is not home , you join us and have some coffee... Ladies meet Jhanvi out family friend. "I said while introducing her with others. She sat down looking quite shy , why I feel like I dragged a child with a bunch of oldies ?

" We have to know the market and our customers. " I said and rest of the time we spend talking about our business plan , Jhanvi became more comfortable and spoke ...like this I am afraid I will spoil her.. but she deserves it.

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