4. Sleeping together after a month..this is awkward ( part 1 ).

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1 moth later.

Nisha jindal.

Life was so chaotic , for one month I had to do so much work. I had to cancel every attack planned for Jhanvi and my in - laws and let's be honest they were a lot and pretty dumb. But I did it , the payments were not done so I just gave them something and closed all the orders , I feel so good.

Not only I did that I planned for a perfect business and soon going to meet up with my gang to put it in reality. I am planning to open a restaurant soon and I think that will help me keep my head of things and in future help me financially if Aditiya suddenly decides to divorce me......actually the divorce is a settled thing that's going to happen anyway.

And I moved my things in the adjoining room and now I sleep in the library room. Aditiya didn't even noticed, okay he did but he didn't asked about it . He doesn't care about stuffs like that , my communication with him has become limited and that's probably for the best.

Well ,his agents followed me quite lot this month but they got nothing. He thinks I don't know about it but boy...he is wrong. My kids and I we grew more close and they made ' Saturday night as story night ' , they love listening stories , so now every Saturday they sleeps with me , listen stories cause they don't have to worry about getting up early next day .

" Nisha...." Aditiya's voice really scared me, he is standing on the door wearing his black T-shirt and black long pant ( I don't know what they are called...that's why not trying to open a mall ) , have I ever mentioned my husband is freaking handsome... no well now you know , its really hard for me to resist him sometimes.

" Nisha....you heard what I said ? " that guy was talking ( he was duh ) , you alive ( focus or he will think you are mad ) yeap. " sorry I didn't... You said anything. " I asked him , he gave me an amused smile ...does he knows ( You are so freaking obvious girl ) but he looks hot ( he looking hot though... took some effort to impress you ) I don't believe ( Girl their are certain times where you listen me ).

" Nisha ....you zoned out again , you ok ? " he asked sitting in front of snapping his fingers in front of my eyes. " sorry , I was thinking about something....you looking for anything ? " I asked him , he is too close for my comfort , his perfume that's so intoxicating ( girl calm down , breath ).

" I noticed you have shifted in this room for quite a long time now , so I was wondering what made you do that ? " he asked , ( wow he noticed that.... that was so quick , like one month and he knows you don't sleep with him ? ) he doesn't care , ( that's why he all dressed up sitting with you trying to know why you don't sleep with him ) curious I guess ( I think....NOT ).

" I am currently reading about some recipes , food history and stuff like that for my restaurant plans and for that I read books and I didn't wanted to disturb you so I shifted here ...I just read and sleep when I like . " I told and that's actually what I do every night , so that's not a lie.

" I didn't knew you wanted to open a restaurant... " he said , has he ever known me ? ( well , you didn't let him ) , just ignore ( well , thank you .. I am going to just switch myself off ) thank you.

" Well ,its something I want to do now and that's the reason of me sleeping here....and for our future decisions I think its better we sleep in different rooms. " I told him and he gave a confused look and told " Future decisions ? What are you talking about ? " like he  don't know about it.

" Aditiya.....I know we are not in the same harmony that we used to be and we might soon get sepa....." I was going to say ' separate' but my daughters 'Aditi ' and ' Naina ' came in and I didn't say another word. They got up in the bed and shouted  " Story time ".

" Story time ? " Aditiya asked confused , Aditi explained him the Saturday rule and he gave me the look like ' why am I the one sleeping alone ? ' ( My ass ) excuse me ( that look says ' what are you planning Nisha ) You wanted to shut yourself up ( fine .. I am leaving ).

" Is Dad going to join us today ? " asked Naina ,I was going to refuse but Aditiya said " Yep ! Today dad will join you. " he climbed up the bed just like the kids and laid down with them. Why ? Why ....  its really hard to be in the same blanket as him , at least I have my kids as my wall of protection. I turned on the fairy lights , Aditiya doesn't like to sleep with lights on... hope that shoos him away. I switched off the main light and lied down with them , Aditi with me and Naina on Aditiya's side.

" let's began . " I told but before I could start my story their was a knock on the door. I went to open the door and saw Arjun standing on the door. " Bhabi are the kids awake ? " he asked. He is such a cute guy with sweet tone , just a little brother material.

" They are ....have a look. " I turned around to show him the room , he peeped in and saw Aditiya starting at him , why his eyes looks like he is glaring ? ( cause he is) , " Its Sunday tomorrow and I have one movie they wanted to see for long time , So I just came to take them. " No , I don't want my wall of protection to go , I need them.

" Of course , girls go with uncle but don't sleep super late. " Said Aditiya before I could respond and the kids went flying outside the room. I stood near the door frozen , still wondering what just happened ? , well not like I never slept with him before ( you have two kids with him ) right , we can do it ( its just sleeping) yes how hard that can be ? 

I dragged myself back , half hoping he will leave the room but he didn't , I pulled the cover and went inside it. He turned towards me and told " Yes , you were saying , in future... What ? " his face inches away from mine. Pray for me cause I don't think I will survive to night.

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