12. Late night snack for the hard working people ( part 2 ) .

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Aditya ( POV )

I can't believe I am behaving worst than a teenager. Few minutes ago Nisha walked in the drawing room where I was working in my laptop and Arjun was watching tv.

Nisha walked in looking all exhausted she wanted Arjun's help when I was clearly sitting their. She could have just asked me...sometimes she behaves like I am an outsider.

Arjun agreed to help her and she showered him with sweet words and promises to bake him stuff when I had to make deal to get her attention....perfect right.

Arjun said his friend likes ' mango cake ' and she went all like...how sweet of you, you're soo good. Even said ' So many broken hearts will be found once you're off the market '...I love my brother he is a very good guy but what she meant by that? I am not good for her?

' you will be an amazing partner in future ' did she mean I am not good...cause I don't know her hobby, her favorite food, color or anything?. But things were not always so sweet between us.

It was an arranged marriage...she was always distant and didn't care about our kids or family. Now that she cares she stopped caring about me. Or was it me all the time? Did I give the vibe that I didn't want her.

Her past had a huge impact on her and maybe that made her what she was...but did I ever tried to reach her....understand her? Nope.

I guess I liked watching her getting jealous of jhanvi. Atleast that made me feel wanted. She cared and now she just doesn't care about me...even ready for divorce...which she is not getting.

Right now I am jealous of strangers who gets smile from her, my parents who gets lots of attention from, my brother who is getting spoiled by her and my kids who gets hugs and kisses and I get nothing. Getting ignored on the sofa.

To calm my nerves I decided to cook something for my self. It will keep my nerves calm and I could think better.

I decided to make noddles....one thing I make nicely. I rolled my sleeves and started cooking.

" Hey! what's going on? " someone called out as I took out the onions to chop them. I looked up and smiled she smiled in response.. and my heart just stopped....why is she so beautiful ?

" I was hungry....making some noddles for myself. You want some? " I asked and she nodded. " Alright. " I said and started cutting the vegetables. And started cutting vegetables with steady hands is....I have seen in a show that the hero cooks and the heroine admires him. Trying to impress her with my skills.

" Do you need help? " she asked me.
" Just sit down...and let me cook. " I told her trying to show her what a gentle man I am...worthy of her affections.

She sat on the kitchen counter...just little a kid happily watching me cook. Her eyes watching my every move made my heart warm. " Spicy or normal? " I asked but she didn't notice my question.

" Did you hear what I asked? " I asked her and this time she noticed. I planned to try my luck by going closer to her.

" I...what were you asking? " she fumbled in her reply. She seriously didn't listen. . I went little closer...I could feel her warm breath near my face...I streached my arms and placed them near her....a sweet smell is coming from her.

She just took a shower, she smells nice....like fresh flowers, she face soft and her lips pink....it took all my power not to just kiss those lips and forget everything. I could feel her body responses towards my touch.

It felt great to know that I still have that effect on her. She still crumbles down when I touch her but...she made me burn for her....with jealousy so nothing for her today. Her sweet smell is addictive but I have to control myself.

" You want your noodles spiecy or normal? " I asked her and then picked a bowl of chillies from the table which was behind her and moved away from her with an aching heart.

Her face is red from all the blushing....she is cute. Her eyes look a little disappointed but....that's not happening today.

" Normal. " she said and I nodded and started to do my work. I now focused in my noodles. Since she will be eating I have to be extra cautious to make it right.

" I never knew that you can cook so well. " She said looking at my chopped vegetables. " Its nothing...just college habit of cooking at night while studying for exams. " I told and she nodded.

" I used to make secretly noddles at night and eat...cause my mother thought I would get fat and no one will want me...she never let me eat noddles....always wanting me to do what she wanted...." she said with moist eyes.

After our marriage she never went back home. She has cut all ties with her family. And I still remember her getting uncomfortable looking my family together....cause she never grew up in one.

She never planned anything drastic for my family but never loved them.But I can see....she is doing her best and I support her change.

" How is your restaurant plan going? Any progress? " I asked her. " I am glad you asked. " She said and with a smile she told me all about her work. She looks soo happy....I didn't interupt her and listened her while cooking.

I set two bowls for us. She first tasted the noddles and gave me two thumbs up. " You can work in that huge office with all the complicated numbers and you can cook.....I must have saved galaxies to have you in my life. "She said and stopped. My heart is at peace.

I am not jealous of the most richest man in the earth now...I am soo happy. Her words just made me happy. " Thank you. " I said and she started eating trying to hide her blush. She was meant to hide it but she said it.

But why hide? I would love to hear her talk about me and just me....take my name....( coughing ) sorry wrong direction. We eat in silence.

" Kids wants to go water park tomorrow are you free? " she asked me. Never went out with her to roam well this will a change for us. I can try to be close to her.

" Yes, I am free. " I told her and she smiled....her smile melted my heart. And at this moment I realise I love her more than I acknowledge and I would do stupid things for her. I don't love her as my kids mother....or just merely love her....I am burning for her.

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