9. Reading Graphic novel with my husband ( part 1 ).

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Aditiya ( POV )

" Its all about folding tactic ...the more you practice, more better you get at it. " I heard Nishas voice as I came back from work.

As I looked towards the direction from which the sound was coming I saw her standing in the kitchen table with our girls. And looks like she is teaching them something.

" Mom how much stuffing should I put? " asked my daughter Aditi to her. She looked towards her and said " Not much or the momo will break. " Okay they are making momo.

" Mom look...." said Naina showing Nisha her work. Their was a deformed momo in her hand but Nisha praised it like it was the most precious thing in the world. Such warm picture to walk into.

" Daddy..." called my little girl Naina who spotted me first and came running towards me. I took her in my lap and walked towards them. Nisha looked up and smiled...for me.

" We are making momo...go get fresh and we can have lovely snacks. " She said. I nodded put Naina down and came in my room.

I quickly took a shower and changed. Never in my life I wanted to go meet Nisha so much....but I want to go to her as fast as possible.

As I came out she was still making raw momos. I walked over and Aditi offered me to help them which I did. She actively worked. How can someone look for beautiful while working ? God knows.

She finished her work and kissed Aditi and naina and told " Thank you so much...you helped me a lot. " She looked up towards me and said " Thank you. " No kiss for me....not that I want but still nothing for me.

" Mum give daddy a kiss too...he worked so hard with us. " Said Naina and I love my girl....she is my princess. Nisha turned red from blushing she said " Daddy is grownup he doesn't need that for work. " Was that a indirect rejection...Ouch! that hurts.

" Not fair mummy. " Said Aditi. And they argued how I worked and should get a reward. She massaged her forehead and than told " Alright "

Nisha ( POV )

Aditiya is acting weird today. First he helped us cook and now when the girls are saying that I should kiss him he is standing so cool...not angry at all..why? ( Maybe thats what he wants ) never...aditiya would never want it ( girl grow up).

Well he is looking good ( Hot ) stop it mind ( sorry ). My cheeks are burning from embarrassment....I am too shy
( you know thats your husband not someone you borrowed for a day. )
I know that Miss know it all.

I went little closer to him, the after shower smell is on him ( You're standing next to your daughters ) I am fine. He didn't move a inch as I extended my hand touched his left cheek with my hand and secretly kissed on my hand ( nice opportunity gone....great 👏👏)Thank you.

" Done now lets go and eat dinner. " I told and came out of the kitchen.

Aditiya ( POV )

she ran away from the kitchen like if she stay for longer than I will eat her up. It was me who didn't wanted any physical contact with her.

But as she placed her hand on my face and kissed her hand and not my cheek. I felt bad. Today I felt so unwanted and unloved what to say. But Nisha wasn't like that.

She used to be very possessive about our relationship, she used to keep me with her like her life depends on me but now when she doesn't show her that love it hurts a little.

Whole family sat down for dinner. Nisha served everyone with care and fed them nicely. She made Arjuns favorite dish and he was over the moon about it. My kids are too happy since they helped her make momo.

I told nisha once that all I want from her is she becomes good mother of my children's and a good daughter in law for my parents nothing else. I dont need her in any other way. And since she agreed and did everything I said why dont I like it.

Nisha ( POV )

Aditiya is acting strange today. He didn't try to ran away from me ( he is running towards you ), he didn't felt disgusted at my touch ( he loves it ), didn't left to meet jhanvi ( we both know that girl is too naive to handle him ) she is cute not an old fox like me ( A girl who can't even kiss her husband calling herself old fox...give me a break ). were you installed to insult me Darling? ( well no but thats just part of what I do so bare with me ) like I have a choice.

I came in the study room ( Aren't you supposed to sleep in his room today? )yeah! Will go after picking up a book for myself. I love reading books so might take one before going in my room. My room....for some reasons that felt so strange...like a foreign word ( you're pathetic girl )

I will let that slide and look for a good book which is going to be a struggle ( can you explain ). you know when you make something tasty and want to watch something that enhances the taste of the food but at that particular moment you don't get anything to watch and your food turn cold ( yeah! happens a lot ).

well same with me in the search of good book before sleeping I sometimes spend the whole night searching. Hope that doesn't happen here ( All the best ).

I dont want to read any cooking book, not any heavy book at all. I am looking for something entertaining and light. At that moment my eye fell on a Graphic novel. Its called ' My second love story ' well sounds interesting.

I took the book and sat in the corner of the library. I mean its study room with one wall completely covered with books and and a table on the side. So I am sitting on the very end of the wall with the table as my wall covering my existence.

I like to read books being cosy in a corner. A blanket and a cup of coffee would have made my day ( you mean night ) haha very funny ( lets read together ) yes lets do it.

It looks like Aditiya got the book as a present. Their is signature of the author along with a wish note. Well I love signed books and its a romance novel so its going to be a good read ( says the girl who knows nothing about it ). once again haha very funny. 

" And I thought you read cook books" I looked up and saw Aditiya standing near the table, cant he leave me alone
( nope he cant ). I have only one question why is he following me why?

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