Chapter 3

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While Louis is trapped by the busyness of his schedule, he doesn't let lack of time stop him from finding ways to always text Harry back.

After their conversation on Tuesday, Harry occupied himself with thoughts of how wild it must be to always have so much to do. Of course, he's no stranger to schedules that steal his entire day, but that's because it's his poor management team's fault.

Sure, Louis' got to have reasons, but wouldn't someone be there to help him out more? He tries to part from that topic, not wanting to assume anything, and focus on his to-do list--which right now is to keep writing. Then, his mind wanders, remembering how he never got Louis' phone number.

He spends the next day staying near the door and listening for any signal that Louis is there, but soon recognizes he's not. He ultimately decides to leave a sticky note on the door, aiming that the man he's fancies is the one to receive it.

Later that night, amongst his hundreds of other unread messages, he gushes at the unsaved number sticking out and grabbing his attention.

Hey, Harry. This is Louis. If that note with your number wasn't for me, let's just pretend that this never happened and accept the fact that I'll never see you again out of sheer embarrassment.

Harry laughs out loud and then waits a minute before typing back.

Considering my note said "For Louis," it's safe to say that it was definitely for you.

Louis is the one to laugh this time, having to quickly text back since his coach is currently shouting at him to get back on the field.

He knew he'd be too engulfed in his conversation with Harry, so he chose to text him during his water break in hopes that his mind won't be corrupted by him just yet.

Sorry, Curls.




Not good

See you Saturday.

Harry doesn't respond, not wanting to be a distraction—even though he for sure already is—and he stands up, making his way to open the fridge.

"Wanna grab lunch?" Niall asks from the bar stool at their counter as he scrolls through something on his phone.

Harry whips around, not realizing that Niall was there before. "Oh um, sure. Where should we go?" He asks.

"Paps are supposed to follow us today so we can go drive through and eat in the car or something. Try and avoid 'em" Niall suggests, standing up.

Harry nods, "Sounds good." He replies, grabbing his socks and shoes before sliding them on and taking his keys from their kitchen junk drawer.

It's always nice for Harry to be able to go out, but it doesn't happen all that often anymore. No matter where he goes, his management always seems to find ways to get the paparazzi to take unwanted photos. He would love to be able to go out with Liam and Niall in public places but it's truly not an option most days.

They decide on a quick local sandwich shop and each choose a sub, fruit, and water. After, they drive to a nearby lookout point that shows a nice setting of trees and the sun, Harry putting the car in park.

Niall starts, unwrapping his sandwich. "So...Louis, yeah?"

Harry frowns and does the same with his food. "What about him?"

Niall sniggers for a moment before looking over and stopping when he sees Harry is dead serious. "You totally like him, mate." He says, face dropping.

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